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Teaching and learning – Vagahau Niue

This resource from the Teaching and Learning Pacific Languages collection of resources provides teachers with support for the teaching and learning of vagahau Niue.

Cover page of Haia! An introduction to Vagahau Niue. Teachers’ guide and support materials resource.


  • AudienceKaiako
  • Learning AreaLearning Languages
  • Resource LanguageEnglish

About this resource

This communicative language resource brings together a package of materials designed to offer flexible, progressive, entry-level lessons for teachers and students who are new learners of vagahau Niue.

Teachers can find a series of downloadable resources to use for planning and learning with their students. See Materials that come with this resource to download:

  • Tau Hatakiaga ma e Vagahau Niue: The Niue Language Guidelines (.pdf)
  • Haia! An Introduction to Vagahau Niue (.pdf) 
  • Storybooks and teacher support materials supporting Haia! (.zip)

This resource is from the Teaching and Learning Pacific Languages collection. See the resource carousel below for more.

Ngā rawa kei tēnei rauemi:

    Teaching and learning – Vagahau Niue

    Tau Hatakiaga ma e Vagahau Niue: The Niue language guidelines 

    Cover page of The Niue Language Guidelines document.

    See Materials that come with this resource to download:

    • Tau Hatakiaga ma e Vagahau Niue - The Niue Language Guidelines (.pdf)

    The Niue language guidelines support the Learning Languages area of The 2007 New Zealand Curriculum. 

    The early childhood section of these guidelines is aligned with Te Whāriki: He whāriki mātauranga mo ngā mokopuna o Aotearoa Early childhood curriculum.

    Learning languages in NZ schools

    Learning languages in a school setting involves developing learners’ capabilities for both learning language and using language to communicate across cultural boundaries.

    Students appreciate the deep connections between language and culture and how they work together to express values and meaning in particular ways.

    Learning languages – A guide for New Zealand schools

    The Learning languages guide provides information to support the delivery of language programmes.

    Principals, language teachers, board of trustees, and those looking to find ways to introduce or enhance language programmes will find comprehensive information in this guide. The guide is a useful reference for how to develop a vision for learning languages based on the benefits for students.
