School Journal – Series introduction
The School Journal series supports students in years 4−8 to develop the knowledge and skills required to meet the reading demands of all the curriculum areas. Each issue is aligned to either level 2, level 3, or level 4 of the New Zealand Curriculum.
About this resource
This page describes School Journal, a Ministry of Education publication that has been providing Aotearoa New Zealand content to motivate, excite, and engage students since 1907.
School Journal – Series introduction
The School Journal supports literacy learning across the New Zealand curriculum for students in years 4–8. The School Journal is published in a miscellany format with each issue including a variety of genres of text such as articles, stories. poems, plays and graphic novels.
The School Journal series is published in three levels, with each issue of the School Journal aligned to either level 2, 3, or 4 of the New Zealand Curriculum. The School Journal builds on the Junior Journal series.
Digital copies
Digital copies of School Journals from 2014 onwards are available to download on Tāhūrangi.
You can find digital copies of School Journals by searching for them on the Literacy (incl. Instructional Series) page.
Select the School Journal series filter from the left side of the page to aid your search.
You will find entire journals, as well as individual articles from within the journals available to download. Teacher support materials (TSMs) are also available for some articles.
Order copies
Copies of School Journals are distributed free to primary schools that use the New Zealand Curriculum.
Schools can re-order print copies of School Journal issues at Down the Back of the Chair.
Other literacy series for New Zealand primary schools
Use the carousel below to find information about the other literacy series provided to New Zealand primary schools.