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Classroom techniques - Guess the questions

This resource contains strategies to create optimal conditions for learning languages and techniques for promoting second language learning.

two students reading a book together


  • AudienceKaiako
  • Resource LanguageEnglish
  • Resource typeCollection/Curriculum Guide

About this resource

In this learning languages classroom technique, ākonga read a text and try to guess the questions that will be asked from clues. 

This is part of the resource set "Second language learning tasks".


Classroom techniques: Guess the questions (Nation, 1989)


  • to encourage ākonga to read a text closely and thoughtfully 
  • to practise question formation 


  • information distribution – shared 
  • student arrangement – individual (or pairs/groups) 
  • student focus – meaning (language accuracy to a lesser extent) 
  • language modes – reading and writing 
  • can be amusing! 


See Materials that come with this resource to dowload Guess the questions (.doc).


  1. Write selected words on the board and tell ākonga that these words will be part of the questions, or answers to questions, about the text that they are going to read. 
  2. Ākonga read the text and write down the questions they think the kaiako will ask. 
  3. Ākonga tell the kaiako what questions they thought of and compare these to the kaiako questions. The questions can then be answered. 

Kaiako considerations  

The words you select to put on the board can be key verbs or nouns, but not question words (ākonga can guess the question words). 


  • Present the words in a list, where each pair of words comes from one question (to make it fairly controlled and easier), or list the words randomly. 
  • Vary the student arrangement to increase the amount of interaction by having ākonga work in pairs and/or groups. 
  • This could lead into the 'ask and answer' technique. 
  • Change the kind of words you give as clues. 

Benefits of this technique   

Ākonga have to think deeply to complete the task, a key feature of an effective learning technique. 

Evaluation of the task  

  • Can ākonga come up with sensible questions? 


Nation, I. S. P. (1989). Language Teaching Techniques. English Language Institute Occasional Publication No. 2. (p. 77). 

This is part of the resource set "Second language learning tasks".
