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Classroom techniques - Information transfer

This resource contains strategies to create optimal conditions for learning languages and techniques for promoting second language learning.

Two students reading a book together


  • AudienceKaiako
  • Resource LanguageEnglish
  • Resource typeCollection/Curriculum Guide

About this resource

Changing information from one form to another involves four techniques: individual, combining, cooperating, and superior/inferior. 

This is part of the resource set "Second language learning tasks".


Classroom techniques: Information transfer


  • to learn and practise language in a written or spoken text by putting it into another form 


  • information is reorganised by ākonga into another form, for example a chart, grid, diagram or picture 
  • ākonga focus is on the message 
  • language modes – can be designed for any of the language modes (receptive or productive) 
  • other features can be varied (ākonga arrangement, information distribution, etc) 


For receptive language modes whakarongo, pānui, mātakitaki

  • Ākonga read, listen to, or view an appropriate text, talk, or video excerpt (this is the ‘input’).
  • During or after the input, ākonga complete a diagram or chart, etc, that reorganises the information into another form.

For productive language modes kōrero, tuhituhi, whakaatu

  • Ākonga are given a chart or diagram of information (this is the 'input').
  • After studying this, they produce a piece of writing, a formal talk or informal conversation that conveys this information in complete sentences.

The forms that the information can be reorganised into or from include maps, plans, grids, tables, diagrams, charts, diaries, calendars, lists, and forms. (Palmer, 1982) 

Kaiako considerations 

You need to choose the appropriate form for the text chosen (for example, a grid or a diagram, depending on the content). 

Make sure that ākonga can’t just copy chunks without understanding them by requiring a different organisation to the text. 

Information transfer charts can highlight the structure of a text to make it easier for ākonga to follow. 

If focusing on specific vocabulary or grammar, make sure this language is used in places in the text where the most information occurs. If the language is in an important part of the text, it is more likely to be used. (Nation, 1989, p. 61) 

It is best to use this technique receptively (ākonga listening or reading) before using it productively (ākonga speaking or writing). (Nation, 1989, p. 61) 


If using this technique for listening, practice with the kaiako speaking. The kaiako can draw attention to frequent words or important topic words by giving a quick definition or by repeating the word. (Nation, 1989, p. 61) 

Use charts that can be used for any text of a certain topic type (for example: physical structure or instructions). Headings should be those relevant to the topic type, for example, for a description of a physical structure (such as a plant or a form of government), headings would be “parts”, “locations”, and “functions”. For an instructions text, headings would be “materials and tools”, “steps”, “cautions”, and “results”. (For more information on topic types, see Nation, 1989; Johns & Davies, 1983; or Franken, 1987.) 

Repeat information transfer tasks using the same topic type (for example, instructions) but different texts so that ākonga become familiar with the structure of a topic type. As they become more familiar with the topic type, the language can become more difficult because they will be able to predict better from their knowledge of the topic type. 

Once ākonga are familiar with the technique, they can be taught to use self-questioning to make their own chart for similar texts. For example, four questions can be used with any text that gives instructions – What materials and tools are needed? What are the steps? What do we have to be careful about at each step? What is the result of the steps? (Nation, 1989, pp. 63–64) See “Complete a chart using topic type” under examples in the Pānui section below. 

Information transfer can be used with combining tasks cooperatively (where ākonga work together with the same information), in a superior-inferior arrangement (where kaiako or ākonga have the information), or individually. 

Classroom examples 

Four practical classroom examples at different curriculum levels are provided below. 

1. Whakarongo

Level 2: Complete a diagram 

Kaiako (or other) describes a whānau while ākonga complete a family tree diagram. (achievement objective 2.1 – communicate about relationships between people)

Examples in Māori: 

See materials that come with this resource to download:

  • Ko tōku whānau 1- simple (.doc) 
  • Ko tōku whānau 2 - more detailed (.doc) 

Level 2: Listen and draw

Draw or place symbols on a weather map while listening to a weather forecast. (Achievement objective 2.4 – communicate about time, weather, and seasons)

Examples in Māori: 

See Materials that come with this resource to download sample maps and weather symbols, and transcripts of several weather forecasts from Te Ao - Māori News, broadcasted daily on Whakaata Television. 

  • Sample weather map and symbol sheet (.doc) 
  • Transcripts of weather forecasts Ngā tohu huarere (.doc) 

Note: you will need to simplify the language for ākonga at level 2 or teach some of the key weather forecast vocabulary before you begin this task. 

You can use the forecasts on Te Ao - Māori News or Te Karere as samples of authentic texts and compose simpler weather forecasts at a level suitable for the age and proficiency of your ākonga. 

You will find recent weather forecasts and news bulletins on the Whakaata Māori website. 

Level 3: Listen and draw

Label a map or classroom seating plan (suggested text type – maps and plans). 

The kaiako (or a proficient ākonga) has the key map or mahere matua (master plan) with all features on it. They describe the various features that are on the map/plan and where they are located. 

Other ākonga have a version of the map/plan that is missing some of the features on the key map/plan. 

While listening to the description of the full features, ākonga draw in the missing features on their maps/plans. 

They can ask the speaker questions to help them complete the task but may not look at the key map/plan. 

Examples in Māori: 

See Materials that come with this resource to download:

  • Te Tāone o Awatere (.doc) 
  • Te akomanga - classroom plan (.doc) 

Level 2: Complete a chart 

Each student tells the class their food preferences and all complete a chart like this: 




Breakfast food 

















(Nation, 1995, pp. 92–93) 
(Achievement objective 2.3 – communicate about likes and dislikes, giving reasons where appropriate)

Example in Māori:

see Materials that come with this resource to download Nga kai pai (.rtf).

Level 7 

Ākonga listen to a recording of a Māori news broadcast and complete a chart of key points. You can access Te Ao - Māori news online. 

2. Pānui 

Ākonga read a text that gives instructions, for example, instructions for making a hāngi, making poi, fishing and food gathering, preparing and presenting food (level 5 suggested topic). Ākonga, then complete a chart, like the one below, that is general enough to be used for any instruction text. 

Materials and tools 


Need to be careful about 











Examples in Māori:

See Materials that come with this resource to download:

  • Te mahi kapu tī (.doc) 
  • He pihikete kirihimete (.doc) 
  • Information transfer grids and texts (.doc) 
  • Te mahi poi (.doc) 

You could use the pictures that show the steps to make a poi to generate written instructions from an initial speaking task. The written instructions can then be read by another student and transferred into chart form. 

The book Taku Poi E (Te Rōpū a Huia, 1998, Ngā Kete Kōrero) is a useful addition to this task. It provides some of the key vocabulary in very simple sentences. 

Below is a possible sequence of tasks using the poi pictures (or any other sequence of pictures which depict the parts of a process). 

  1. Distribute the Te mahipoi pictures. Ākonga describe their picture without showing it to others. They put themselves in order. 
  2. They then each describe their part of the process, while a partner writes down what each speaker says. 
  3. Ākonga then edit the writing in their pairs to produce a clear set of instructions for making a poi – instructions that do not rely on the original pictures for clarity. 
  4. These written instructions can then subsequently be read, and the key elements put onto a grid, as for Te mahi kapu tī

Level 7:  

Each student is given a different news report of the same incident and completes a single chart that requires information from both texts. For example, watch the reporting of a single news event from Te Ao – Māori news and use these as input to the task. (Achievement objective 7.5 – read about and recount actual or imagined events in the past)

3. Kōrero 

Ākonga interview each other about a familiar topic or something they have studied. The questioner has an information transfer diagram or chart to fill in by asking questions. 

Level 2 

Ākonga ask each other simple questions about their whānau and fill in a chart. By the end of level 2, learners can ask simple questions and give simple information.

Example in Māori:

See Materials that come with this resource to download Interview - Te Uiuinga (.doc).

Level 4 

Ākonga ask each other questions and fill in a chart about what is needed for a hui, where the student being interviewed has information from advertisements and other written material. (Achievement objective 4.5 communicate about the quality, quantity, and cost of things)

Prepared talks

Ākonga use an information transfer chart (for example, a flowchart of a process) to speak from, in a presentation to a group or the class. 

This can be run as a 4/3/2 activity to give more practice, where ākonga are required to look at the chart less each time. (Nation, 1995, p. 94) 

Or you could use pictures of a process which show the stages in making something. 

See Materials that come with this resource to download Te mahi poi (.doc).

Example in Māori:

See Materials that come with this resource to download Life cycle- Te oranga o te ngarara (.doc).

You can also find other life cycle diagrams online to use as alternatives. 

4. Tuhituhi 

Write from a chart according to text type. 

Level 3 

Using information from a chart (such as the topic type example above), ākonga write instructions for simple routines, such as getting ready for school. (Achievement objective 3.1 – communicate, including comparing and contrasting, about habits and customs) 

Level 6 

Write instructions for performing or making something in one of the Māori creative arts, working from a cart or pictures. (Achievement objective 6.1 – give and follow instructions) 

See Materials that come wiht this resource to download:

  • Te mahi poi (.doc) 
  • Life cycle- Te oranga o te ngarara (.doc) 


Information transfer requires ākonga to process information deeply, which is good for learning. They show they have understood the information deeply enough to adapt it. (Nation, 1989, p. 61) 

If using charts based on generalisable topics or text types, “The ability to fit a text into an existing schema has a positive effect on learning unknown vocabulary contained in that text.” (Nation, 1989, p. 64) 

Especially where listening is the input, the repetition of similar grammatical structures within a meaningful, communicative context is valuable for learning. 

Evaluation of the task 

  • Did ākonga need to reorganise the information to complete the task? 
  • Did ākonga need to use the words or structures that you wanted them to practise? 


Franken, M. (1987). Self-questioning scales for improving academic writing. Guidelines 9, (1), 1–8. 

Johns, T. & Davies, F. (1983). Text as a vehicle for information: the classroom use of written texts in teaching reading in a foreign language. Reading in a Foreign Language 1 (1), 1–19. 

Nation, I. S. P. (1989). Language Teaching Techniques. English Language Institute Occasional Publication No. 2. (p. 28 – listening; p. 54 – speaking; pp. 61–64 – reading, p. 115 for a list of topic types and their information-structure constituents) 

Nation, I. S. P. (1995). Teaching Listening and Speaking. English Language Institute Occasional Publication No. 14. 

Palmer, D. M. (1982). Information Transfer for Listening and Reading. English Teaching Forum 20, (1), 29–33. (This article contains a large number of useful and practical suggestions, in the ESL context.) 
