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Classroom techniques - 4-3-2

This resource contains strategies to create optimal conditions for learning languages and techniques for promoting second language learning.

student doing maths equations on a whiteboard


  • AudienceKaiako
  • Resource LanguageEnglish
  • Resource typeCollection/Curriculum Guide

About this resource

The 4/3/2 classroom technique for learning languages involves repeated talks to different partners in four minutes, three minutes, and two minutes.

This is part of the resource set "Second language learning tasks".


Classroom techniques: 4/3/2 (Maurice, 1983) 


  • to build fluency in speaking te reo Māori by getting ākonga to repeat a short talk using the same language items 


  • known language/ideas – ākonga use language and knowledge that is familiar to them 
  • meaningful repetition – ākonga repeat a talk to different listeners 
  • student arrangement – ākonga work in pairs – all ākonga get speaking practice 
  • challenge – ākonga have to give their talk in less time for each repetition 
  • student focus – focus on the message (not the language) 
  • language modes – speaking (and listening) 


See Materials that come with this resource to download Ideas for preparation for a 4/3/2 activity (.doc).


Make sure that ākonga are suitably prepared to give their talk (this may be done in many ways, see suggested preparation). 

  1. Arrange ākonga in pairs facing each other in a line or circle so it is easy to swap partners in an orderly way. Kaiako says, “Tīmata” (begin) and begins timing. 
  2. Student A gives their talk to student B in four minutes. (Student B is not allowed to interrupt or question, but should give non-verbal feedback that they are listening.) 
  3. After four minutes, the kaiako says, “Nuku atu ki tētahi hoa hou” (change partners) – all students designated as A move along one seat (Bs do not need to move). 
  4. The kaiako says, “Tīmata” (begin) and A gives the same talk to a different partner, but this time in only three minutes. 
  5. The kaiako signals the last change and A gives the same talk to another different partner in only two minutes. 
  6. Repeat the sequence with student B giving the talk three times. 

Kaiako considerations 

You need to choose a topic for ākonga to speak on that they already have the language and knowledge for. This may mean pre-teaching or using this activity at the end of a unit of work, or it may mean careful choice of something that you know your ākonga are familiar with. 

Each student gives their talk three times in a row to gain the benefit of the immediate repetition (in other words, all the A’s speak three times before all the B’s; don’t alternate who is talking). 

Plan who will move when it’s time to change partners to avoid chaos. 


You can reduce or increase the length of the talks as long as ākonga get a shorter time for each repeat. 

For the early curriculum levels, ākonga could just repeat their talk without reducing the time if what they can say is already pretty short, for example, an initial mihi (level 1). 

This activity could be preparation for giving the talk to a larger group. 

Listeners can be asked to take brief notes or jot down questions to ask later. This could then be followed up with an activity where listeners compare the contents of the talks they heard. 

Use this technique as a way to give practice in impromptu talks by not giving ākonga time to prepare. 

Instead of talking to a partner, ākonga can record themselves giving a talk. They then listen to their recording and take notes of anything they think they can improve on, then record again until they have their best recording. 

Examples of topics at different levels 

  • Level 4 – talk about your personal plans 
  • Level 5 – tell a simple story about something that happened 
  • Level 8 – present an argument on a topic with reasons 

Evaluation of the task 

Did ākonga increase in speed and reduce their hesitations? 

  • Yes – great! 
  • No – they remained slow and full of hesitations (too hard). You may need to reconsider the topic chosen and the language needed to make sure it is familiar enough. 
  • No – they were fluent from the first talk (too easy). You may need to choose a new topic that is a bit more challenging. 

Benefits of this technique 

“Research on this activity shows that the learners’ speed of speaking increased during the talks (as measured by the number of words per minute), the hesitations they make decrease (as measured by hesitations per 100 words), and surprisingly their grammatical errors in the repeated parts of the talk decrease and they tend to use several, more complex grammatical constructions in the last of the three talks than they did in the first talk.” (Nation, 1989, p. 381) 

In other words, 4/3/2 pushes ākonga to perform at a higher level than they normally do. 


Maurice, K. (1983). The fluency workshop. TESOL Newsletter, 17 (4), 29. 

Nation, I. S. P. (1989). Improving speaking fluency. System, 17 (3), 377–384. 

Nation, I. S. P. (2000). Creating, Adapting and Using Language Teaching Techniques. English Language Institute Occasional Publication No. 20. 
