The New Zealand Curriculum - Learning languages
Statement of official policy relating to teaching, learning and assessment of learning languages in all English medium state and state-integrated schools in New Zealand.
About this resource
Learning languages is one of the learning areas in the New Zealand Curriculum, the official document that sets the direction for teaching, learning, and assessment in all English medium state and state-integrated schools in New Zealand. In learning languages, students learn to communicate in an additional language, develop their capacity to learn further languages, and explore different world views in relation to their own.
The New Zealand Curriculum - Learning languages
What is learning languages about?
Ko tōu reo, ko tōku reo,
te tuakiri tangata.
Tīhei uriuri, tīhei nakonako.
Your voice and my voice are expressions of identity.
May our descendants live on, and our hopes be fulfilled.
Learning a new language provides a means of communicating with people from another culture and exploring one’s own personal world.
Languages are inseparably linked to the social and cultural contexts in which they are used. Languages and cultures play a key role in developing our personal, group, national, and human identities. Every language has its own ways of expressing meanings; each has intrinsic value and special significance for its users.
This learning area provides the framework for the teaching and learning of languages that are additional to the language of instruction. Level 1 of the curriculum is the entry level for students with no prior knowledge of the language being learned, regardless of their school year.
- Why study a language?
- Learning area structure
- Achievement objectives
- Teaching time requirements
The achievement objectives in the "communication" strand provide the basis for assessment. The two supporting strands, "language knowledge" and "cultural knowledge", are only assessed indirectly through their contribution to the "communication" strand.
Proficiency descriptor
Students can understand and use familiar expressions and everyday vocabulary. Students can interact in a simple way in supported situations. (Adapted from Common European Framework for Languages, Global Scale Level A1: Basic User; Council of Europe, 2001.)
Selecting and using language, symbols, and texts to communicate
- In selected linguistic and sociocultural contexts, students will receive and produce information.
Managing self and relating to others
- In selected linguistic and sociocultural contexts, students will produce and respond to questions and requests.
Participating and contributing in communities
- In selected linguistic and sociocultural contexts, students will show social awareness when interacting with others.
Language knowledge
Students will:
- recognise that the target language is organised in particular ways
- make connections with their own language(s).
Cultural knowledge
Students will:
- recognise that the target culture(s) is (are) organised in particular ways
- make connections with known culture(s).
Proficiency descriptor
Students can understand and use familiar expressions and everyday vocabulary. Students can interact in a simple way in supported situations. (Adapted from Common European Framework for Languages, Global Scale Level A1: Basic User; Council of Europe, 2001.)
Selecting and using language, symbols, and texts to communicate
In selected linguistic and sociocultural contexts, students will receive and produce information.
Managing self and relating to others
In selected linguistic and sociocultural contexts, students will produce and respond to questions and requests.
Participating and contributing in communities
In selected linguistic and sociocultural contexts, students will show social awareness when interacting with others.
Language knowledge
Students will:
- recognise that the target language is organised in particular ways
- make connections with their own language(s).
Cultural knowledge
Students will:
- recognise that the target culture(s) is (are) organised in particular ways
- make connections with known culture(s).
Proficiency descriptor
Students can understand and construct simple texts using their knowledge of the target language. Students can describe aspects of their own background and immediate environment. (Adapted from Common European Framework for Languages, Global Scale Level A1: Basic User; Council of Europe, 2001.)
Selecting and using language, symbols, and texts to communicate
In selected linguistic and sociocultural contexts, students will understand and produce information and ideas.
Managing self and relating to others
In selected linguistic and sociocultural contexts, students will express and respond to personal needs and interests.
Participating and contributing in communities
- In selected linguistic and sociocultural contexts, students will use cultural knowledge to communicate appropriately.
Language knowledge
Students will:
- recognise and describe ways in which the target language is organised
- compare and contrast languages.
Cultural knowledge
Students will:
- recognise and describe ways in which the target culture(s) is (are) organised
- compare and contrast cultural practices.
Proficiency descriptor
Students can understand and construct simple texts using their knowledge of the target language. Students can describe aspects of their own background and immediate environment. (Adapted from Common European Framework for Languages, Global Scale Level A1: Basic User; Council of Europe, 2001.)
Selecting and using language, symbols, and texts to communicate
In selected linguistic and sociocultural contexts, students will understand and produce information and ideas.
Managing self and relating to others
In selected linguistic and sociocultural contexts, students will express and respond to personal needs and interests.
Participating and contributing in communities
In selected linguistic and sociocultural contexts, students will use cultural knowledge to communicate appropriately.
Language knowledge
Students will:
- recognise and describe ways in which the target language is organised
- compare and contrast languages.
Cultural knowledge
Students will:
- recognise and describe ways in which the target culture(s) is (are) organised
- compare and contrast cultural practices.
Proficiency descriptor
Students can understand and produce more complex language. They can communicate beyond the immediate context, for example, about past and future events. Students can understand and produce a variety of text types. (Adapted from Common European Framework for Languages, Global Scale Level A2: Strong Waystage Performance; Council of Europe, 2001.)
Selecting and using language, symbols, and texts to communicate
In selected linguistic and sociocultural contexts, students will communicate information, ideas, and opinions through different text types.
Managing self and relating to others
In selected linguistic and sociocultural contexts, students will express and respond to personal ideas and opinions.
Participating and contributing in communities
In selected linguistic and sociocultural contexts, students will communicate appropriately in different situations.
Language knowledge
Students will:
understand ways in which the target language is organised for different purposes.
Cultural knowledge
Students will:
understand ways in which the target culture(s) is (are) organised for different purposes.
Proficiency descriptor
Students can understand and produce more complex language. They can communicate beyond the immediate context, for example, about past and future events. Students can understand and produce a variety of text types. (Adapted from Common European Framework for Languages, Global Scale Level A2: Strong Waystage Performance; Council of Europe, 2001.)
Selecting and using language, symbols, and texts to communicate
In selected linguistic and sociocultural contexts, students will communicate information, ideas, and opinions through different text types.
Managing self and relating to others
In selected linguistic and sociocultural contexts, students will express and respond to personal ideas and opinions.
Participating and contributing in communities
In selected linguistic and sociocultural contexts, students will communicate appropriately in different situations.
Language knowledge
Students will:
understand ways in which the target language is organised for different purposes.
Cultural knowledge
Students will:
understand ways in which the target culture(s) is (are) organised for different purposes.
Proficiency descriptor
Students can use language variably and effectively to express and justify their own ideas and opinions and support or challenge those of others. They are able to use and identify the linguistic and cultural forms that guide interpretation and enable them to respond critically to texts. (Adapted from Common European Framework for Languages, Global Scale Level B1: Independent User; Council of Europe, 2001.)
Selecting and using language, symbols, and texts to communicate
In selected linguistic and sociocultural contexts, students will communicate information, ideas, and opinions through increasingly complex and varied texts.
Managing self and relating to others
In selected linguistic and sociocultural contexts, students will explore the views of others, developing and sharing personal perspectives.
Participating and contributing in communities
In selected linguistic and sociocultural contexts, students will engage in sustained interaction and produce extended text.
Language knowledge
Students will:
- analyse ways in which the target language is organised in different texts and for different purposes
- explore how linguistic meaning is conveyed across languages.
Cultural knowledge
Students will:
- analyse ways in which the target culture(s) is (are) organised for different purposes and for different audiences
- analyse how the use of the target language expresses cultural meanings.
Proficiency descriptor
Students can use language variably and effectively to express and justify their own ideas and opinions and support or challenge those of others. They are able to use and identify the linguistic and cultural forms that guide interpretation and enable them to respond critically to texts. (Adapted from Common European Framework for Languages, Global Scale Level B1: Independent User; Council of Europe, 2001.)
Selecting and using language, symbols, and texts to communicate
In selected linguistic and sociocultural contexts, students will communicate information, ideas, and opinions through increasingly complex and varied texts.
Managing self and relating to others
In selected linguistic and sociocultural contexts, students will explore the views of others, developing and sharing personal perspectives.
Participating and contributing in communities
In selected linguistic and sociocultural contexts, students will engage in sustained interaction and produce extended text.
Language knowledge
Students will:
- analyse ways in which the target language is organised in different texts and for different purposes
- explore how linguistic meaning is conveyed across languages.
Cultural knowledge
Students will:
- analyse ways in which the target culture(s) is (are) organised for different purposes and for different audiences
- analyse how the use of the target language expresses cultural meanings.