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Te Whakaipurangi Rauemi - Assessment checklists

This resource contains checklists for teachers and students for recording assessments of student learning in te reo Māori.

Boy standing folded arms in front of a board.

About this resource

This resource provides assessment checklists for ākonga and kaiako to use when using Te Aho Arataki Marau mō te Ako i Te Reo Māori - Kura Auraki and te reo Māori in the Māori language curriculum. 

This resource is part of the set Te Whakaipurangi Rauemi. See the resource carousel below for more.


Te Whakaipurangi Rauemi: Assessment checklists

Ākonga and kaiako assessment checklists 

An assessment checklist takes each achievement objective (AO) and turns it into one or more “learner can do” statements. However, it can be more useful to break down the AO into a series of smaller steps that the learner needs to be able to do to meet the AOs. 

Kaiako assessment checklist

On the Kaiako assessment checklists, there are a series of tables, one for each of levels 1–8 of the curriculum. These list ‘learner can do’ statements for each of the AOs at that level and across the six modes: listening, reading, viewing, speaking, writing, and presenting.

See Materials that come with this resource to download Kaiako assessment checklists (.doc) 

Ratings for achievement 

These have been kept simple to make checking the list straightforward. The kaiako writes a 3, 2, or 1 in the column. 

not yet achieved 

achieved to an adequate standard, but not yet achieved consistently to a high standard 

achieved consistently and to a high standard 

The 1-2-3 ratings can be explained in more detail by what the kaiako writes in the comments column. You can code achievement in more sophisticated ways if desired. 

Using and adapting these checklists 

Kaiako can cut and paste from the Kaiako assessment checklist tables into sheets that suit their classes and individual learners.   

See Materials that come with this resource to download Example of a kaiako assessment checklist (.doc) 

Learner checklists 

The kaiako assessment checklists can be adapted and given to ākonga so they can assess their own progress. The way you word each checklist will depend on the age and proficiency of the ākonga. 

See Materials that come with this resource to download: 

  • Ākonga self-assessment checklists (.doc) 

The ākonga self-assessment checklist contains a template and samples of checklists filled in by learners, to show their developing proficiency.