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Strategic planning guide (secondary)

This guidance helps you consider what outcomes you are seeking for your ākonga and the learning opportunities you create to achieve these. This includes thinking about what pathways you want to support your learners to progress and how they represent ākonga and community aspirations.

two teachers looking at a learning workbook


  • AudienceKaiako
  • Resource LanguageEnglish

About this resource

This resource is designed to complement the Leading Local Curriculum Guide series and assist secondary schools and curriculum leaders in achieving alignment and coherence between strategic planning, local curriculum design, evaluation, and self-review. It aims to connect strategic planning activities with the development of the local curriculum in collaboration with mana whenua, ākonga, whānau, kaiako, and the broader community. See the resource carousel for more.


Local curriculum: Strategic planning guide (secondary schools) 

This guide complements the Leading Local Curriculum Guide series. 

It helps schools achieve alignment and coherence between: 

  • strategic planning contained within the school’s charter or kāhui ako implementation plan 
  • design of local curriculum 
  • evaluation and self-review. 

This guidance helps you consider what outcomes you are seeking for your ākonga and the learning opportunities you create to achieve these. This includes thinking about what pathways you want to support your learners to progress and how they represent ākonga and community aspirations. 

Who is this guide for?  

The guidance is for secondary schools and curriculum leaders. It will help you connect your strategic planning documentation activities with the local curriculum. Your local curriculum is created between tangata whenua, ākonga and their whānau and parents, kaiako (teachers), and others across your community. 

See materials that come with this resource to download Leading Local Curriculum Guide – Strategic planning guide (.pdf).