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LEAP - Language and school

LEAP explores language teachers use in classrooms and the special characteristics of classroom language.

Closeup of a young girl's face.


  • AudienceKaiako
  • Resource LanguageEnglish

About this resource

This section of the Language Enhancing the Achievement of Pasifika (LEAP) resource looks at how language is used in learning and classroom settings. Inclusive language choices are promoted.  

Teachers can explore their practice through: 

  • encouraging oral participation 
  • having a caring and inclusive classroom environment 
  • affirming Pacific languages in the classroom 
  • helping students integrate their learning 
  • discussing what academic language is 
  • exploring ideas and tools for reading, writing, and speaking. 

LEAP: Language and school

The language used in classrooms and by teachers has characteristics not found in everyday speech.  

Effective teachers observe the classroom language environment and make changes to provide the best curriculum and language learning environment for their students. Academic language is the new language all students must be taught at school to succeed in learning. This is true when reading, discussing, and writing about curriculum material. To develop students’ academic language, teachers talk about language and how to teach vocabulary and language skills. 

Interaction between students is a powerful source of language learning. Teachers can organise the interactions in their classes to provide favourable conditions for bilingual Pacific students. This includes maximising opportunities to use their Pacific languages in their learning. 

How do we use language in school? 

Effective learning environments for all students ensure that: 

  • there is a focus on important features of language 
  • students process language forms and meaning 
  • students know what they are doing and why. 

Effective learning environments for bilingual students enable them to use both their languages in increasingly complex ways. 

Who could be marginalised? 

Minority students, or those whose home language is not the medium of instruction, could be marginalised and silenced in the classroom. Teachers must be alert to processes that could make students feel excluded from what is going on at school. 

What researchers revealed 

Camille Nakhid set out to explain the failure of schools to address the lack of academic achievement of Pacific students in New Zealand education. She talked in depth to five New Zealand teachers and 12 students about their perceptions of schooling. 

The Pacific students talked about how they felt: 

  • different from the non-Pacific students, who were confident about speaking up in the class and talked easily to the teacher  
  • they were not as articulate as the non-Pacific students and did not feel able to respond to the teacher in the same way as the non-Pacific students
  • as if the teachers and non-Pacific students made it seem that they worked harder and were faster learners than Pacific students. This came about because of the way their requests for further information or clarification about the lesson were responded to. 

Difference in perceptions 

The students had perceptions that were quite different from the teachers’ perceptions. One example was that the teachers believed the students valued specific individual attention and one-on-one opportunities with them. In fact, the students expressed considerable discomfort about classroom practices that singled them out and “exposed them to the class as ‘less capable’ students” (Nakhid, 2003, p. 218). 

In her 1991 work, At School I’ve Got a Chance, Alison Jones examined the different experiences offered in New Zealand classrooms. She found a disparity between the skills many learners had, and the skills schools rewarded. 

Jones found a situation like Nakhid's. The Pacific girls she worked with thought there was no point in engaging in discussion with teachers. They felt that there was something about the way Pākehā girls related to schooling that was different and more successful, although both they and the Pākehā girls spoke English and worked hard. 

The teachers in Jones’ study wanted to get the Pacific students to engage in learning behaviours that would help them be more successful. They would say, for example, “You need to work this out for yourself.” Unfortunately, the teachers failed to establish a successful dialogue with the students to find a common understanding. 


Jones, Alison.  (1991).  "At School I've Got a Chance": Culture/Privilege: Pacific Islands and Pakeha Girls at School.  Palmerston North, NZ:  Dunmore Press.

Nakhid, C. (2003). "Intercultural" Perceptions, Academic Achievement, and the Identifying Process of Pacific Islands Students in New Zealand Schools. Journal of Negro Education, 72, 297-317.

Patterns of interaction and discourse 

Why do Pacific students who have had all or most of their schooling in New Zealand feel uncomfortable with classroom interactions? One answer may lie in the effects of a European tradition that began nearly 2500 years ago. For example, consider this exchange:

Parent: What’s that over there? 

Child: Dak. 

Parent: Yes, it’s a duck, isn’t it? Do you think it’s going to swim across the pond to eat our bread? 

Child: Bwet. 

Parent: Our old bread. 

This common European question-and-answer session involves getting knowledge from students through skilful questioning. Parents use it; when babies are too young to speak, parents provide the answers as well as the questions. 

Initiation, response, feedback 

In the example above, the parent uses a technique called the "IRF pattern" (initiation, response, feedback). Teachers might use this technique in the classroom. Sometimes the feedback is an evaluation, for example, "Good" or "No". Other times, the teacher may elaborate on the student’s response, as the parent does in the example. 

It is understandable that some children of Pākehā backgrounds feel comfortable when the teacher does the same thing their parents and other caregivers have done. 

Some children are also used to interrogating adults at length.  

Child: Why isn’t that train going? 

Parent: It’s waiting for the other one to go past. 

Child: What other one? Where’s the other train? 

Parent: You can’t see it. It’s further up the line. The signal is red, and that tells the driver not to go yet. 

Child: Who makes the signal red? 

Pākehā children are generally encouraged to ask questions like this. However, in other cultural groups, it may be impolite or unacceptable for anyone to question in such a direct and persistent manner, and this may especially apply to children. 

Alternatives to the encourage-to-ask-questions approach 

Consider these examples of important approaches other social groups might use. 

  • Children are trained in different types of oral performance. 
  • Children are encouraged to observe quietly and to copy. 
  • Children are directly instructed. 
  • Children are talked to mainly by older children. 

All these methods and others allow children to learn to speak, interact, and solve problems in the manner of their community. Despite this, the patterns of interaction described above are often the norm in New Zealand classrooms. 

Armed with this information, you can see why some students might feel excluded if they have not been brought up to engage in this type of interaction.

Exploring your practice: Who talks in class?

Find out who contributes most and least in your whole-class sessions and in small groups by observing class interactions for a day. You may need help to carry out this activity. 

  • Put a tick next to a student’s name each time they speak in a whole-class session. 
  • Put a cross next to the name each time a student speaks to you one-on-one or in a small group about curriculum content. 
  • Identify those who spoke most and those who spoke least.  
    • Do those who spoke the most have anything in common?  
    • Do those who spoke the least have anything in common? 

The following techniques are good ways to encourage everyone to speak.  

Taking turns, everyone speaks 

This works best for topics where everyone can either express an opinion or feeling or contribute an experience. Keep in mind that this approach might pressure students to answer a difficult question or to decide quickly. So choose topics carefully. Select ones that will result in everyone being willing and able to contribute. 

In addition, create an inclusive space and establish a supportive tone. Include rules that keep others from mocking or contradicting what has been said. Strive for a space where all answers are accepted with interest, empathy, or insight. 

Individual Pair Group (IPG) technique 

IPG is one method that helps students prepare to speak publicly.  

To begin, ask a question or set a problem. Then, get the class to work in three stages. 

First, students individually write their “first thoughts” – what they first thought when they heard the question or problem. 

Next, students work in pairs. With a partner, they talk about their first thoughts.   

Finally, the pairs join to form groups of four to six students. The groups discuss the topic further. After some time talking together, the group chooses a spokesperson to report to the whole class. 

Note: This approach is like Think, Pair, Share (TPS). 

Each student as a spokesperson 

Over the course of a week, each student should have the same number of turns at being the spokesperson. You might have to establish a turn-taking system to ensure this. 

Make the number of times students talk equal

To equalise the talking roles, give each student three "talking chips". 

Each time a student speaks, they put one chip in the centre. 

When their three chips are in the centre, that student has no more speaking turns until all the students in the group have put all three of their chips in the centre. 

Nominate a friend 

The students each nominate a friend - someone they know has something to say. 

To be effective, this technique requires good relationships in the class. If unity is present in your learning community, students who are hesitant to volunteer may be more willing to speak if a friend asks them to do so. 

Have a management role 

Reciprocal teaching of reading develops students’ ability to lead and take part in an exploratory discussion about a text. In this activity, the students take turns in roles that rotate. The roles include: 

  • Summarising: The summariser says the main ideas of the text. This person can also ask the other members if the summary was accurate and if they agree with the points made. 
  • Predicting: The predictor says what they expected to happen. They tell the others if these did or did not take place in the text and explain their thoughts about this. The predictor could ask others what they expected to happen in the text. 
  • Clarifying: The clarifier says what was good, bad, interesting, or confusing about the text. This could include word choices, how the text was organised, the writing style, and so on. 
  • Questioning: The questioner says what questions readers might have asked themselves as they read. Also, the person in this role could ask the group a question that makes them think deeply. For example, 
    • Why does [this] matter? 
    • What can this text teach us about [an idea from the text]?
    • What is another way to look at [this issue]? 

"Be an expert": Jigsaw learning 

Each student has responsibility for a part of the content matter. This means the whole group depends on that person to inform them about part of what they need to know. 

Jigsaw learning, where students have different pieces of information to work with, uses this approach.  

To find out about Jigsaw learning: 

Many studies highlight the importance of caring and inclusive learning environments, especially when there are students from diverse backgrounds. Without this attention to caring relationships, students are sometimes marginalised (pushed aside as unimportant or powerless) in class, subjected to racist attacks, or bullied by peers. 

“The quality of the classroom ‘climate’ is crucial to the students’ emotional and social well-being and to the progress that they make. Students need to feel that they are part of a warm and supportive classroom environment where it is safe and appropriate to take risks in their learning. “ 

("Effective Literacy Practice in Years 5 to 8", p. 195) 

Peers and teachers create a quality climate in the classroom. Make this part of curriculum learning, for example, in the learning areas of social studies, health, and physical education. 

Exploring your practice 

Find out what support exists, is desired, or should be added 

Find out how well your students feel supported by you and their classmates. Over a week, your students could work in small groups on a grid like the one below. Tell students to fill in the types of support and an example of that support. They could think about what support they would like and what support they could give to other people. 

To support bilingual students in using both their languages in your classroom, have the class think about how languages are involved in supporting others. Ask the students: 

  •  how they feel when they use their first language for learning 
  •  how they would feel if they could not use their first language for learning 
  •  whether they support and encourage other students to use their first language, and if so, how? 

Helping each other in our school 

Ask ākonga, “What supports us in our learning?” and have them write down the kind of support with an example for each of these people: 

  • Our teacher, for example: 
    • when the teacher notices that we’re having trouble and comes to help
    • when Miss Baker asked Mica if she wanted to see an example of how the report should be written
  • Other students in our class 
  • Other students in our school 
  • Our whole school community. 

Repeat the same exercise, including the people above, with these questions: 

  • What do we do to support others? 
  • What could provide better support? 
  • How could it be done? 

A starting point for adding support 

If your bilingual students say they would like more support, try out some new approaches, such as cooperative learning. You could try some of the many approaches to establishing caring learning environments suggested in Quality Teaching for Diverse Students in Schooling: Best Evidence Synthesis

The benefits of cooperative learning 

Through cooperative learning, group members develop positive relationships, gain social skills, and get better at face-to-face communication. Group members also learn how to: 

  • take responsibility for their own actions 
  • work together to find solutions 
  • think about their contributions or improvements. 

Engaging in cooperative learning activities can help students to: 

  • understand that the teacher:  
    • cares about them and about their learning 
    • wants them to do their best 
    • wants to see students' work so they can give feedback on it. 
  • be:  
    • motivated to work with other students 
    • willing to help and be helped by other students. 

Cooperative learning and academic achievement 

A positive association exists between academic achievement and students' awareness of a teacher's support during cooperative learning. Similarly, students' motivation is positively correlated with an awareness that teachers care about them. 

Some guidelines 

Help students gain experience working with a variety of others by randomly mixing groups for each activity. 

Make sure: 

  • individual and shared learning outcomes for each group are set 
  • it is likely that all group members can succeed in meeting their learning outcomes 
  • the groups share materials 
  • the groups divide the work among themselves. 

Observe and record: 

  • to what extent all students participated equally 
  • any differences between the processes the groups used 
  • the ways and time taken for students to carry out interactive speaking, relevant reading, and writing 
  • how well the groups and individuals achieved their learning outcomes. 

Key to affirmation 

  • Become familiar with the range of Pacific materials available. 
  • Organise and add to the Pacific materials in your school. 
  • Give your Pacific students easy access to these materials. 
  • Introduce learning practices that will help your Pacific students use and set goals for their Pacific language(s). 
  • Help your students integrate their Pacific language, English, and curriculum learning. 

Other benefits 

A multilingual learning environment is interesting and valuable for both teachers and students. Having a good understanding of how language works supports all students’ curriculum learning. By participating in a classroom where several languages are used, students who know only English will learn about language and how it works. It may also give them the confidence and interest to learn other languages. 

Exploring your practice 

Affirming Pacific languages 

Part 1 

For this investigation, work with as many colleagues as possible, including the person with library responsibility.  

  • Find ways of collecting and using materials in Pacific languages, and do this regularly so that you become familiar with using these materials. 
  • Find ways to become more familiar with the content of Pacific material in the school so that you can give students information about it. 

Some sources of information include:  

  • student reading materials in Pacific languages and the teachers’ notes that accompany them  
  • your students and other students in the school 
  • bilingual and ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) staff 
  • family and community members. 

Part 2 

Try some of these ideas, taking note of how students use their languages, and follow-up with your colleagues to discuss your observations. 

Easy access to resources in their first language (L1) 

Have plenty of printed and audio materials in the students’ first languages in the classroom. Display the material well and classify it to help students select what they want. 

Ask the person with library responsibility to help you ensure that all the school’s Pacific material at appropriate levels is accessible to your students. 

Use ICT resources, including websites, to help students access more L1 materials. 

Create or find listening material in the students’ L1s to be recorded and available for use. 

Tuakana–teina buddy system 

Encourage older Pacific students in your school to write material for younger students. 

Arrange for Pacific staff or people in the community to: 

  • bring in L1 materials and help you organise them 
  • speak to your students or record short audio for them. 

  Helping your students use their L1 

  • Ask the students to take home L1 material and read it to members of their family or tell them about it.  
  • Encourage the students to refer to any L1 material that is directly relevant to their curriculum learning and to share what they discover with the rest of the class. 
  • Provide students with L1 dictionaries and other reference support. 
  • Ask students to get family members to explain or discuss L1 material with them. 
  • Arrange for Pacific staff or people in the community to respond to students’ questions about L1 material. They could do this by recording questions digitally, writing them on paper, or emailing them. 

Ways to boost language skills 

When it serves an authentic learning purpose, encourage your students to: 

  • compare first language (L1) material and English language material on the same topic 
  • engage in information transfer activities based on texts in English and in their L1  
  • produce visual work (such as charts, diagrams, or poetry) in bilingual versions 
  • translate material from their L1 into English for the rest of the class 
  • translate and/or proofread simple material (like captions for pictures) from English into the L1 for the younger bilingual Pacific students in the school 
  • build up bilingual lists of key vocabulary from their curriculum learning 
  • talk to their peers about their skills and knowledge in their first and second languages.

Incorporating first-language texts 

Look through some first-language texts and find an item that relates to some of the curriculum learning your class is going to cover. No worries if you cannot understand the text; your Pacific students can still work with it! Ask all the students, Pacific and non-Pacific, to look at this material as part of their work on the topic and include some reference to it in their responses. 

  • The Pacific students may be able to use it as a basis for bilingual discussions and produce bilingual written or spoken responses.  
  • Other students can respond to the visual material and recognise or predict the meanings of some words. They can also make observations about similarities or differences between the Pacific material and materials in English. 

Thinking about the effects of using first-language material 

Observe how your students make use of the Pacific material, talk about it, and write about it. With all students, discuss how using the Pacific material has affected their learning. 

The language used in classrooms ("academic language") is different from everyday language and takes significantly longer to learn. Academic language is more abstract (an idea rather than a concrete thing), more formal (follows the rules), and has a more specific vocabulary than everyday language. Language used in academic settings is less common than language used in everyday life. 

All students need to learn academic language, but bilingual students face challenges when learning it in their second language. Some patterns of classroom talk (for example, how to ask questions in class) may also be new to bilingual Pacific (and other bilingual) students. 

Be aware of these language differences. Teaching these in a clearly expressed way to bilingual students (actually, to all students) is more effective than assuming they will "just get it". 

Exploring your practice 

Turning academic language into simple language  

Choose a section from a book you plan to use for curriculum-related purposes. Examine the section and find examples of academic language. Note these down, and then rewrite the section in ordinary, conversational English. 

Ask your class to do the same thing. Divide the class into groups and get them to examine the section of text for meaning. 

  • What structures, sentences, concepts, or words do they understand or not understand? 

Note what the students identify. Use it to teach specific academic language or the characteristics of academic language. 

Ask them to rewrite the section of text as they understand it in ordinary English – as if they were explaining what it says to a friend or relative. Compare and contrast this with your own rewritten section to identify your students’ needs in this area. 

Examining your classroom habits 

How much exploratory talk goes on in your classroom? Ask a colleague to observe how you ask questions in class, to whom, and how often. Alternatively, record your own lesson; afterwards, listen to the talk that occurs.

Questions to consider could include: 

  • Which students are most often "called upon" to speak? If so, to what degree? 
  • To what extent do you allow for exploratory talk among students? 
  • In which contexts does exploratory talk occur (if it does)? 

Having undertaken this analysis, examine and discuss the patterns that exist in your classroom. Consider how these might need to be changed to foster more exploratory talk, particularly for bilingual students. 

For ideas based on good practice, refer to Effective Literacy Practice in Years 5 to 8. Go to the sections on classroom conversations (pp 94–95), expanding students’ vocabulary (pp 126–127), and meeting many needs (pp 127–130). 

Chapter 2 of Effective Literacy Strategies in Years 9 to 13 has information and ideas for secondary school teachers about teaching academic vocabulary. Trial one or more new patterns that you think would be appropriate for your class.