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How the local shop works - Years 1–3

Food and food infrastructure are an enormous part of our lives and our histories. This resource encourages ākonga to wonder how food turns up in our shops and begin to learn about other modern and historic sources of food through conversations with relevant characters.

Illustration showing communities having fun and working together in modern and historic contexts.


  • AudienceStudentsKaiako
  • Education SectorPrimary
  • Learning AreaSocial Science
  • Level of SupportSelf directed
  • Resource LanguageEnglish

About this resource

Food and food infrastructure are an enormous part of our lives and our histories. This resource encourages ākonga to wonder how food turns up in our shops and begin to learn about other modern and historic sources of food through conversations with relevant characters.

It explores the Know context of Ngā mahinga ohaoha | Economic activity, specifically the choices people make around food to fulfil their needs and wants. It also touches on the other Know contexts, specifically Te tūrangawaewae me to taiao | Place and environment and Ngā ahurea me te tuakiri kiritōpū | Culture and identity.

Ngā rawa kei tēnei rauemi:

    How the local shop works - Years 1–3

    See Materials that come with this resource to download:

    • Year 1-3 TSM (.pdf)
    • Year 1-3 student resource (.pdf)

    Years 1-3 Supporting material