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Te Whānau Aroha o Tipene

E whakaatu mai ana te pūrākau i ngā wheako i puta i te rāhui, ā, kua hoki katoa atu te whānau ki te kāinga noho ai, mahi ai. Kua tīmata te tohe o te whānau o Tipene i ngā wā mahi, i ngā wā wānanga hoki. Heoi ka puta ake he rongo ohorere, he rongo pōuri rawa. Kua mate mai tētahi o te whānau. Ahakoa te aha, ka pūmau tonu te aroha o te whānau.

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  • AudienceKaiakoStudentsWhānau and Communities
  • Education SectorEarly Learning
  • Learning AreaHealth and PE
  • Resource LanguageReo Māori
  • Resource typeText/Document

About this resource

Te Whānau Aroha o Tipene is part of the Te Oranga Mauri – Wellbeing Storybooks series.

The storybooks in this series are inspired by children’s real-life experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdowns in Aotearoa New Zealand.

The series consists of five storybooks, written in different languages, with teacher support materials that align across multiple curricula: Te Whāriki: He Whāriki mātauranga mō ngā mokopuna o Aotearoa, Te Marautanga o Aotearoa, and The 2007 New Zealand Curriculum. This adaptable curriculum content is relevant for ākonga from early childhood through year 4. There are also materials with story prompts and discussion tools for whānau to use at home.

Each story has also been digitised into animated videos with voiceovers and narration in the different languages, including New Zealand Sign Language.


Te Whānau Aroha o Tipene

Ko ngā kōrero nā Amiria Stirling
Ko ngā pikitia nā Story Hemi-Morehouse

Materials that come with this resource

  • Te whānau aroha o tipene text (.pdf)
  • Te whānau aroha o tipene TSM (.pdf)