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A Kite for Tiare - E Manu na Tiare

A Kite for Tiare shares the story of an extended family and their approach to supporting children’s understanding of lockdown through cultural narratives.

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  • AudienceStudentsKaiako
  • Education SectorEarly Learning
  • Learning AreaHealth and PE
  • Resource LanguageKuki 'Airani
  • Resource typeText/Book

About this resource

A Kite for Tiare - E Manu na Tiare is part of the Te Oranga Mauri – Wellbeing Storybooks series.

The storybooks in this series are inspired by children’s real-life experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdowns in Aotearoa New Zealand.

The series consists of five storybooks, written in different languages, with teacher support materials that align across multiple curricula: Te Whāriki: He Whāriki mātauranga mō ngā mokopuna o Aotearoa, Te Marautanga o Aotearoa, and The 2007 New Zealand Curriculum. This adaptable curriculum content is relevant for ākonga from early childhood through year 4. There are also materials with story prompts and discussion tools for whānau to use at home.

Each story has also been digitised into animated videos with voiceovers and narration in the different languages, including New Zealand Sign Language.


A Kite for Tiare - E Manu na Tiare

Words by Teremoana MaUa Hodges
Illustrations by Vaitoa Baker
Written in English and te reo Māori Kūkī 'Āirani

Tiare is so excited about making a kite at her punanga reo (Cook Islands early learning centre) that she begins to imagine it flying high in the sky. She is surprised when she is picked up early from her early learning centre, and she soon learns that her Nanny Vouvou has COVID-19.

At home, her Pāpā and Nanny set about supporting their family as they isolated. Together, they support Tiare in understanding the importance of isolating and keeping safe, despite not having any symptoms.

Materials that come with this resource

  • A Kite For Tiare text (.pdf)
  • A Kite For Tiare TSM (.pdf)
  • E Manu Na Tiare text (.pdf)

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