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Tātari ōku wāhi - Sorting my places

Explore the places that are important to you. Choose My places cards and sort them on a scale of your choice, e.g. significance, belonging or how much they contribute to your whānau culture or your identity.

Students sitting together on a mat, working on a computer tablet.


  • AudienceKaiako
  • Curriculum Level8
  • Education SectorPrimary
  • Learning AreaHealth and PE
  • Resource LanguageEnglish
  • Resource typeActivity

About this resource

This planning and teaching resource activity (years 4–10) is part of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL): Oho resource collection. Teachers can adapt and develop it to meet the identified learning needs of ākonga.

Timeframe: 1-2 lessons

Years: 4-10

Format: Individual or groups


Tātari ōku wāhi - Sorting my places 

Explore the places that are important to you. Choose My places cards and sort them on a scale of your choice, e.g. significance, belonging or how much they contribute to your whānau culture or your identity. Position places of higher significance to the right.

Oho: Resource collection

This activity is part of the Oho collection of resources. See the resource carousel below for more.

Read background information

View collection

Learners will

  • Explore the personal and wider cultural connections between place, language, time, events, people, and identity.
  • Express and listen to ideas confidently.
  • Describe themselves in relation to the groups within their class and to the whole class.
  • Explore and discuss similarities and differences and how they contribute to the unique whānau, culture, and identities of each class member.
  • Identify personal strengths of theirs and others.
  • Develop a deeper understanding of their whānau and personal histories.
  • Investigate the factors that shape our identities and how.
  • Identify different ways identities, languages, cultures, and values are and could be represented in learning communities.

Ways to use the resource

  • Connect this activity to Enriching Local Curriculum (ELC) by exploring the names of the places you visit.
  • Centre these activities around relevant global, national, or community places, events or themes.
  • Try the activities as an individual, as a small group and as a whole class.
  • Use the resources at home to get a deeper understanding of whānau culture.
  • Capture outputs in a format of your choice.
  • Use insights from these conversations in your learning design.
  • Change the scale you are sorting by and discuss what has changed and why.
  • Take a large set of (curated) My places cards and work as a group to place them on a scale of your choice.
  • Use the base activity, or try the Game of My Places gameplay.
Activity sheet for Sorting My Places with five My Places cards.

Shown here: The Sorting my places activity sheet with five My places cards placed on it.


What you will need:

  • Sorting my places cards
  • Sorting my places activity sheet: One per person or group (not needed for game)

Set up

1. Prepare cards

Add or remove Sorting My Places cards to suit the context of your classroom.

2. Prepare activity sheets

Print or photocopy one Sorting My Places activity sheet for each person or group.


1. Choose places

Each learner receives five Sorting My Places cards. Either spread the cards out on the table face-up and let the learner(s) select, or shuffle the cards and deal five to each.

2. Sort places

Each person or group sorts their Sorting My Places cards on an agreed scale, e.g. significance or how much they contribute to your whānau culture or your identity. Position places of higher significance to the right.

Game variant

1. Set up

  • Pick someone to be the judge for the first round.
  • Deal three cards to each player (including the judge) and place the remaining cards face-down in a pile.
  • Agree on a scale on which to sort the cards, e.g. significance (position places of higher significance to the right).
  • The players sort their three starting cards based on the agreed scale.

2. To play

  • The judge reveals a card from the top of the pile.
  • Moving clockwise, each other player indicates where the new card would fit within their existing set and explains why.
  • The judge decides which player provided the best explanation and gives that card to the player to add to their set.
  • The player to the left of the judge becomes the judge for the next round.

3. To win

Play continues until someone gets six cards in their set.

Discuss and customise

As you go, discuss why the cards (places) sit where they do, e.g. why is one more significant than the other?


See Materials that come with this resource to download:

  • Oho Sorting my places activity sheet (.pdf)
  • Oho Sorting my places teacher support material (.pdf)
  • Oho Sorting my places cards (jpgs) (.zip)
  • Oho Sorting my places cards (printable) (.pdf)
  • Oho blank cards (printable) (.pdf)

Next steps

Discuss your places as part of the 'Names of my places' or 'My place in time' activities.
