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Involving your community in curriculum design

This resource contains information, examples, and ideas that you can apply to the needs of your school and community to support designing your local curriculum.

Four older ākonga sitting around a tablet smiling and laughing.


  • AudienceSchool leaders
  • Resource LanguageEnglish

About this resource

When approaching school-based curriculum design, the involvement of your school community is crucial. This resource is divided into three parts: information, examples, and ideas. Each of the video stories is accompanied by questions and resources to stimulate professional learning conversations amongst your staff.


Involving your community in curriculum design

Before you begin 

What does community engagement currently look like in your school? You could examine the engagement of your community in the following areas: 

  • design and review of the school curriculum to best meet the needs of the students and community and to be inclusive and culturally relevant
  • enrolment procedures 
  • different approaches to engaging parents, whānau, and the community in children's learning 
  • setting homework and seeking support for the homework programme 
  • your approach to parent-teacher meetings 
  • reporting processes 
  • accessing resources or information from parents and the community or creating them together

From your review, how would you rate your current level of community engagement? What are your next steps?