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Using digital technologies to support Pacific learners

This resource supports schools to plan their approach using digital technologies to support learners and connect with families and their local community. It includes and examples from a range of schools.

Students sitting on the floor working on their laptops.


  • AudienceKaiako
  • Resource LanguageEnglish

About this resource

This resource will help you create learning experiences that are inclusive of culture, identified needs, strengths, and interests of Pacific students, their families and their communities. 

Ngā rawa kei tēnei rauemi:

    Using digital technologies to support Pacific learners, and connect with families and communities 

    E tumau le fa’avae, ae fesuia’i le faiga.
    The foundations remain the same, but the ways of doing it change.

    Planning your school’s approach

    The New Zealand Curriculum is focused on helping schools to be future focused, confident, connected, lifelong learners. In addition, the curriculum aims to create students who are digitally adept and globally connected. 

    The e-Learning Planning Framework helps schools and teachers reflect on, and evaluate, their e-learning capability and plan to incorporate digital technologies to support teaching, learning, and communication. Pacific culture, and the e-Learning Planning Framework, emphasise collaboration, creation, and sharing. Using digital technologies in the classroom allows Pacific voices to be heard and shared in any language. 

    How can digital technologies make a difference for Pacific learners? 

    Successful learning for Pacific learners is founded on their languages, cultures, and values. It builds on what teachers know to be effective curriculum and pedagogy in the different cultural contexts with which learners from the Pacific heritages identify. 

    Planned use of technologies helps you to provide relevant and meaningful connections to Pacific students’ family and their communities. Design learning experiences that are inclusive of culture, identified needs, strengths, and interests. 

    For Pacific learners, digital technologies can offer ways to: 

    • engage with families and communities 
    • build relationships between teachers and students  
    • capture and integrate the communities of learners  
    • draw on culture and language to personalise learning 
    • design rich learning experiences that build on strengths and meet needs  
    • record, review, share, and clarify progress towards learning outcomes. 

    Reflective questions 

    Once you have engaged with the information in this resource you can use these questions to discuss or reflect on your practice or to develop your own inquiry. 

    • In what ways does your digital pedagogy increase the chance of Pacific learners' success? 
    • How do you ensure that a student’s cultural identity is integrated into their digital world? 
    • How are the digital technologies used in your school creating meaningful connections: 
      • for students and their learning? 
      • between students and the global world? 
      • with the school community?