The no name game
This is a level 2 number activity from the Figure It Out series. A PDF of the activity is included.
About this resource
Figure It Out is a series of 80 books published between 1999 and 2009 to support teaching and learning in New Zealand classrooms.
This resource provides the teachers' notes and answers for one activity from the Figure It Out series. A printable PDF of the student activity can be downloaded from the materials that come with this resource.
Specific learning outcomes:
- Name compatible numbers to 10.
- Know pairs to 100.
The no name game
Achievement objectives
NA2-1: Use simple additive strategies with whole numbers and fractions.
Description of mathematics
Number framework links
Students can solve the calculations in these problems using advanced counting (Stage 4) and early additive (Stage 5) strategies.
Use these games to:
- develop students’ knowledge of counting in tens to 100 (place value, Stage 4)
- develop students’ knowledge of addition to 10 and multiplying by 10 (basic facts)
- help students who are beginning to use early additive strategies (Stage 5) to become confident at this stage in the domain of addition and subtraction.
Required materials
- 3 dice
- 3 or more classmates
- Figure It Out, Levels 2-3, Number Sense and Algebraic Thinking, Book One," The no name game ", pages 22-23
See Materials that come with this resource to download:
- The no name game activity (.pdf)
- The no name game CM (.pdf)
These games build knowledge of compatible numbers to make the tidy number 10 and then the tidy number 100. Until the students build this knowledge, they will have to use counting methods to solve most problems. Once they have acquired this knowledge, they will be able to use it with part–whole strategies for addition and subtraction.
Game 1
Introduce the first game through the interaction between Ariana and Iosua. After the students have played the game and worked out the rules, ask them to suggest a name that would suit.
Game 2
This game involves a significant extension to Game 1. The students may wish to find a new name for this version of the game after playing it a few times. Note that 30 has been used twice because (long term) the score of 70 comes up more often than any other score. As an extension, ask:
- Why is 90 not used on the scoring grid? (The smallest total from the dice is 1 + 1 = 2 or, in this case, 10 + 10 = 20. 100 – 20 = 80, so 80 is the highest number that can be crossed off the grid.)
For question 2, the students could vary the tidy number targets. For example, a target of 200 is possible, provided the numbers on the grid start from 20 rather than 10 and do not exceed 170. Whatever variations they come up with, the students need to check that all 9 numbers on their grid can be used.
You could extend Game Two by using only 2 dice and adding some special rules for dice throws:
Roll |
What to do |
Two 6s |
Pass. |
A 6 and a 5 |
Have an extra turn. |
A 6 and a 4 |
Give the next player an extra turn. |
Two 5s |
Cross out any number on your grid. |
Any other numbers? |
Follow Ariana and Iosua’s method above. |
Can’t cross out a number on your grid? |
Pass. |
First to cross out all your 9 numbers? |
You’re the winner! |
After the students have played the game using these rules, ask:
- Why are there special rules for 6 + 6, 6 + 5, 6 + 4, and 5 + 5? (All of these scores give a total of 100 or greater, so there is no remainder when taken away from 100.)
The students could then try the game with a number such as 130 as the target and work out how this would simplify the dice throw rules for 2 dice.
Game 1
A possible set of rules is:
- Each player has their own grid.
- Take turns to throw the 3 dice.
- Add up the total of your dice.
- See if you can make 10 by adding the total of your dice to a number on your grid. If you can, cross out that number on your grid. If you can’t, you miss your next turn.
- The first player to cross out any 4 numbers is the winner.
Practical activity
Game 2
A game that involves adding numbers to make 100
Rules will vary.
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