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The Literacy Learning Progressions

A professional tool created to support ākonga to meet the reading and writing demands of the curriculum.     

'The Literacy Learning Progressions' cover page illustrated with sketches of people writing in workbooks.


  • AudienceKaiako
  • Resource LanguageEnglish

About this resource

The Literacy Learning Progressions is a professional tool for teachers. It describes and illustrates the literacy-related knowledge, skills, and attitudes that students need to draw on in order to meet the reading and writing demands of the New Zealand Curriculum from year 1 to year 10. 

Ngā rawa kei tēnei rauemi:

    The Literacy Learning Progressions

    The Literacy Learning Progressions describe the specific literacy knowledge, skills, and attitudes that students draw on in order to meet the reading and writing demands of the curriculum. Teachers need to ensure that their students develop the literacy expertise that will enable them to engage with the curriculum at increasing levels of complexity and with increasing independence. As students progress through schooling, they need to be able to read and write increasingly complex texts and engage with increasingly complex tasks. 

    While the introduction section introduces The Literacy Learning Progressions resource, it is the learning progressions section that details what is expected of the student at the end of each year of schooling. 

    See Materials that come with this resource to download The Literacy Learning Progressions (.pdf).