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Tūhura - Where we came from

This Tūhura collection explores the context of Whakapapa me te Whanaungatanga through the theme of where we came from.

Tūhura Years 1-3 Teacher Support Materials illustrated with Kupe and te wheke


  • AudienceKaiakoStudents
  • Learning AreaSocial Science
  • Resource LanguageEnglish
  • Resource typeCollection/Curriculum Guide

About this resource

Māori were the first people of this land, and they have stories about their origins and arrival. Other people have come from a variety of places. They have stories about their journey to Aotearoa New Zealand, and about their connections to the places they came from. The eight historical prompts in this collection share some of these stories. 

The eight items in this collection are historical prompts relating to the context of Whakapapa me te Whanaungatanga. The discover-explore-respond sequence will support ākonga to think critically as they explore culture and identity and develop their understanding of the big ideas. Ākonga can then use their learning to develop their own collection.
