Snakes and scarves
In this unit we explore linear patterns using snakes as the context. We examine, construct and record snakes of different patterns. We also put scarves on our snakes and predict what is hidden.
About this resource
Specific learning outcomes:
- Record patterns on grid paper.
- Make predictions about ‘missing’ sections of a pattern.
- Use words to describe linear patterns.
Snakes and Scarves
Achievement objectives
NA1-6: Create and continue sequential patterns.
Description of mathematics
The main idea behind this unit is for ākonga to develop basic concepts relating to pattern by exploring simple patterns in a novel situation. Ākonga will use multi-link cubes masquerading as snakes. The snakes have colourful ‘skin’ (it's a good chance for everyone to use their imagination). Ākonga play with a variety of snakes, both inventing their own and investigating ones made by other ākonga. In the process, they should begin to see that:
(i) patterns are made up of repeating sections of coloured cubes;
(ii) they can continue a pattern by adding on more cubes of the right colours; and
(ii) they can predict parts of a pattern that are missing.
Pattern is an important idea both in mathematics generally, and as a precursor to algebra. Discovering patterns enables us to predict events. For example, by knowing how the tides work we can predict when high tide will be and when will be a good time to go fishing. This pattern concept generalises in secondary school to finding results that work again and again.
Opportunities for adaptation and differentiation
The learning opportunities in this unit can be differentiated by providing or removing support to ākonga and by varying the task requirements. Ways to differentiate the tasks include:
- actively supporting ākonga, as needed, to record their snakes on grid paper
- ensuring ākonga are confident with patterns of two colours before introducing three colour patterns. Some ākonga may be ready to move to four or more colour patterns
- challenging ākonga, who are ready for extension, to predict parts of the snake that they haven't made yet.
The snake context used in this unit could be adapted to other animals such as huhu grubs, worms or eels. Alternatively, ākonga could come up with their own creature that has a multi-coloured, pattern body.
Te reo Māori vocabulary terms such as tauira (pattern) and He aha muri? (What is next?) could be introduced in this unit and used throughout other mathematical learning. Also, the simple counts and primary colours used in the unit provide an opportunity to use te reo Māori and Pasifika words alongside English, for example, whero (red) and tahi (one).
Required Resource Materials
- multi-link cubes
- pieces of fabric for the scarves
- prepared snakes (made with multi-link cubes)
- snakes with scarves booklets
- strips of cubed paper for recording (from an old maths book would work well)
- crayons or felt pens
Today we investigate snakes with special colour patterns. We think about what would come next as we increase the length of our snakes. We also think about what happens when we cover part of our snake with a scarf.
- This week we are going to investigate patterns. Does anyone know what a pattern is?
Share ideas about patterns. Encourage ākonga to look around the classroom or think about places in their community for examples of patterns. For example, kōwhaihai patterns at marae or flower patterns at community gardens.
- I am going to make a snake for you out of these multi-link cubes. Watch carefully to see if you can guess what kind of snake I am making.
[Make a snake with a blue, red, blue, red, blue pattern.]
- Who knows what colour comes next in our snake?
- How did you know?
Let ākonga have turns adding cubes to the snake.
Ask if anyone could think of a way of describing the snake to someone who can’t see it. This could be someone who rings to find out what you have been doing in class today.
As a class, read the pattern 'red, blue, red, blue, red, blue…'
Record the pattern on strips of grid paper, one cube wide.
Repeat the process of constructing and examining a snake, finding its pattern and then extending the pattern. This time use a snake that is made of three repeating single colours.
- Who knows what colour comes next?
- How did you know?
Now wrap a scarf around the snake and ask ākonga to predict what colour cubes are hidden. Make the scarf about 3 cubes wide.
- What cubes are hidden?
- How did you know?
Take the scarf off and check.
Continue with this activity until you feel that the ākonga are ready to explore pattern snakes independently.
Over the next 2-3 days we examine, construct and record the patterns of our snakes. We cover parts of our snakes with scarves and play ‘guessing games’ with other ākonga.
Let each ākonga (or pair of ākonga) select a pattern snake from the ‘basket of snakes’. Alternatively you could give each pair of ākonga a collection of prepared snakes. Also give each pair a supply of cubes that they can use to extend the patterns and plain grid paper strips for recording.
As ākonga examine the snake ask questions that focus on their search for a pattern.
- Can you tell me about your snake?
- What colour cubes is your snake made of?
- Can you see a pattern in your snake?
When ākonga have discovered the pattern, ask them to extend it using the supply of cubes. Let ākonga decide on the length of their snakes.
Ask ākonga to record their completed snakes on the recording strips.
As the snake recordings are completed they could be displayed on a line at the front of the class for others to see.
Alternatively ākonga could make snakes-in-scarves pages for a class booklet. These pages could have a grid to record the snake and a ‘flap’ to cover part of the snake.
The process is repeated as ākonga select new snakes to investigate. You may also wish to have a basket for ākonga to put their snakes in. Other ākonga can then examine them.
At the end of each session, look at the snakes displayed and select a couple to put ‘scarves’ on.
With all the ākonga gathered together (mahi tahi model) ask:
- What cubes do you think are hidden under the scarf?
- How do you know?
We conclude the unit by sharing the pattern snakes that we have made. We look for snakes that are alike.
Give each ākonga one of the recorded snakes from the previous days’ exploration.
Ask one of the ākonga to show their snake to the rest of the class. Together ‘read’ the pattern of the snake.
Ask if anyone else has a snake that has a pattern that is the same as, or similar to, the one being displayed.
How are they alike?
The snakes may be alike in a number of different ways. Accept all the possibilities and then focus the ākonga on the snakes that have exactly the same pattern.
- Which snakes have the same pattern as this one?
Sort the snakes according to patterns
Repeat by asking ākonga with a different snake to come to the front of the class. Continue to sort the snakes according to their patterns.
Home link
Dear parents and whānau,
This week in maths we have explored repeating patterns using snakes made of different coloured cubes. We have practised predicting what cubes are hidden when the snake puts on a scarf.
Ask your child to tell you about the pattern of this snake and how the pattern could be continued.
Which cubes do you think are hidden under this scarf?
Can you and your child find or make some simple repeating patterns like this around your home? You could talk about them and play a game covering parts of them and saying what is hidden. For example, items of clothing, mugs, toys, rugs or duvets.
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