Rua and Te Manu
This story, presented in a graphic text format, tells how Rua journeys under the sea to rescue his son Te Manu, who has been taken by Tangaroa.
About this resource
Series: Junior Journal 61 Level 2 2020
Colour wheel level: Gold
Reading year level: 3
Topics: arts, carving, comic, graphic novel, MASAM, Rua, Tangaroa, te ao Māori, Te Manu, toi whakairo, traditional story, visual art, whakairo, whānau
Ngā rawa kei tēnei rauemi:
Rua and Te Manu
A traditional story of Ngāti Porou
Retold and Illustrated by Isobel Te Aho-White
Tauwhaituhi ā-oro