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Pōtaka - Spinning top

This activity resource, from "Ngā mahi ā te rēhia - Games and pastimes", is part of the resource collection Te Ao Kori.

Ākonga performing kapa haka in the playground.


  • AudienceKaiakoStudents
  • Curriculum LevelAll
  • Education SectorPrimary
  • Learning AreaHealth and PE
  • Resource LanguageEnglish

About this resource

This activity resource has instructions that help kaiako support ākonga in playing with a pōtaka (spinning top).

Kaiako can adapt and develop activities from the "Ngā mahi ā te rēhia - Games and pastimes" collection (years 1–10), which is part of the resource collection, Te Ao Korito meet the identified learning needs of ākonga.

Ngā rawa kei tēnei rauemi:

    Pōtaka - Spinning top

    Explore the resource collection, Te Ao Kori

    This activity resource collection, "Ngā mahi ā te rēhia - Games and pastimes", is part of the resource collection Te Ao Kori.

    Ngā mahi ā te rēhia - Games and pastimes collection
    Background information
    Te Ao Kori collection
    Tātaiako cultural competencies for teachers of Māori learners

    Ākonga performing kapa haka in the playground.

    Intended outcomes 

    Ākonga can:

    • attempt the pōtaka (spinning top), and describe how they felt about it
    • demonstrate positive interpersonal skills when participating in ngā mahi a te rēhia. For example, expressing support and providing encouragement to others, contributing ideas, valuing others ideas, and enjoying the feelings associated with competition in a supportive environment.

    Suggested approach 

    Originally the pōtaka (the top) was handmade and cherished. This game involved spinning the top and was often competitive. 

    Ākonga experiment with ways of spinning the top so that the top stays close to them. Ākonga then share some easy tricks with each other as to how they get their tops to spin. Keeping the top spinning requires a whipping action. The top can be made of natural material, for example, a stripped harakeke (flax) leaf. A pine cone makes a very good top for a beginner. 

    Ākonga attempt to complete the following sequence of skills in spinning the top. 

    • Spinning the top close by them. 
    • Spinning the top inside a circle/square. 
    • Spinning a top to stay spinning for a long time. 
    • Spinning a top to hum. 

    A young man demonstrating how to spin a pōtaka

    Tauwhaituhi ā-kiriata
    Tauwhaituhi ā-kiriataTauwhaituhi ā-kiriata

    Ākonga then discuss the activity and how they felt when the top spun or did not spin, when it toppled, and when they mastered or did not master the skills. 

    In groups of four or five, ākonga experiment with ways in which they can support and encourage one another until all group members can spin their top in preparation for a group challenge. In relays, each ākonga in the group moves their top around a course set out with cones in the shortest time possible. Each participant can have one other member of their group help them whip their top if they wish.