'O le Pūlou Pīniki
A story of a typical teenage girl looking for clothes to wear and asks her mother where every piece of clothing is.
- AudienceKaiakoStudents
- Curriculum Level12
- Learning AreaLearning Languages
- Resource LanguageGagana Samoa
- Resource typeText/Book
- SeriesMua Ō!
About this resource
Series: Learning languages - Mua Ō!
Reading year level: Year 7–10
Category: Fiction
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'O le Pūlou Pīniki
Words by Junior Kiki Maepu
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6 of 15'Ō le Māketi o Aso To'ona'i
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8 of 15'O le mamanu o le siapo
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9 of 15‘O le Tatalo
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10 of 15‘O Lo‘u ‘Āiga
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11 of 15‘O se Mea Fa‘alilolilo a Pati
After Grandma passes away, Grandpa moves from Auckland to Christchurch to live with his son and his family. One day, when Grandpa takes his grandson fishing, he shares a secret – “When we used to go fishing, your grandma was the one who usually caught most of the fish!”
12 of 15Fa'asoa I Talatu'u ma Fāgogo
A nine-year-old boy’s homework involves asking his family about any myths or legends they know. With his mum’s help, he contacts his grandparents in Sāmoa and Tonga and, via computer, they share traditional stories with him.
13 of 15Pē fia ‘avea ‘oe ma Saienitisi?
In this non-fiction book students meet two New Zealand scientists: research scientist Professor Palatasa Havea, and plant pathologist Amy Maslen-Miller.
14 of 15Mua Ō! An Introduction to Gagana Sāmoa
Resources designed to help teachers plan their gagana Sāmoa programmes.
15 of 15