Ko te Tokotoko o Toku Tupuna
This dual language flip book tells how Alo, the eldest grandson in a Tokelau family, is like a walking stick because he is a support to his grandfather. Initially, Alo does not want the responsibility. However, he has a change of heart and provides support when his grandfather needs it most.
About this resource
Series: Pacific dual language books
Ready to Read level: Orange
Publication date: 2008
Ngā rawa kei tēnei rauemi:
Ko te Tokotoko o Toku Tupuna | Papa's Tokotoko
Words by Emeli Sione and Nila Lemisio-Poasa
Translated by Huhana Lemisio
Illustrations by Vaitoa Baker
Tauwhaituhi ā-oro
Tauwhaituhi ā-oro
- Papa’s Tokotoko | Ko te Tokotoko o Toku Tupuna (.pdf)
- Ko te Tokotoko o Toku Tupuna (.mp3)
- Papa’s Tokotoko (.mp3)