Kia Māia
Jayson has just arrived in New Zealand to stay with his nan. He is staying at her marae preparing for an unveiling but is feeling out of his depth.
About this resource
Series: School Journal Level 3 May 2020
Reading year level: 5
Topics: belonging, change, family, fitting in, growing, hura kōhatu, learning, Māori, marae, MASAM, teaching, teina, teina-tuakana, tikanga, tuakana, unveiling, whānau, wharenui
Ngā rawa kei tēnei rauemi:
Kia Māia
Words by André Ngāpō
llustrations by Minky Stapleton
With help from his younger cousin, Nikora, Jayson slowly feels his way, learning about tikanga Māori and how he, too, belongs.