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Hurly Burly

“Hurly Burly” is a spooky morality tale set in the New Zealand gold rush and based on Shakespeare’s Macbeth. John Macbeth is returning to camp when he sees three wild and withered creatures stirring a foul stew and incanting “double, double, toil, and trouble”.

Explorer comes across three hooded figures huddled around cauldron on fire


  • AudienceStudentsKaiako
  • Curriculum Level4
  • Education SectorPrimary
  • Learning AreaEnglishSocial Science
  • Resource LanguageEnglish
  • Resource typeText/Chapter
  • SeriesSchool Journal

About this resource

Series: School Journal Level 4 November 2019

Reading year level: 8

Category: Fiction

Topics: adaptation, ambition, claim, courage, downfall, drama, family, gold, greatness, greed, history, jealousy, Macbeth, power, prophecy, reason, riches, Shakespeare, tragedy, trust, truth, witches

Ngā rawa kei tēnei rauemi:

    Hurly Burly

    Words by Paul Mason
    Illustrated by Rosie Colligan

    The unearthly creatures prophesise his future riches. When John returns to the camp, his brother Duncan announces that he has struck gold and asks John to head into town to register his claim. The story takes a dark turn when John’s wife Sarah encourages him to murder his brother and take the claim as his own.

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