He Rāhui
This article examines the rapid decline in scallop numbers due to overfishing and pollution and the efforts being made to recover and save the species.
About this resource
Series: School Journal Level 3 June 2023
Reading year level: 6
Topics: ban, climate change, community, dredging, environment, indigenous knowledge, kaimoana, kaitiaki, kaitiakitanga, ocean, overfishing, pollution, rāhui, resource management, scallops, sea, shellfish, sustainability, tikanga, tipa
Ngā rawa kei tēnei rauemi:
He Rāhui
Words by Arielle Kauaeroa Monk
Read about how a decline in tipa (scallop) available for harvesting spurred a group into action to protect the species from overfishing.