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Fakataha Faka‘osita‘u

It’s New Year’s Eve, and Vili is at Taniela’s family gathering. He really wants to meet Taniela’s cousin ‘Aisea, who is a great skateboarder, but where is ‘Aisea? Vili asks everyone as he searches for his hero.

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  • AudienceKaiakoStudents
  • Curriculum Level12
  • Learning AreaLearning Languages
  • Resource LanguageLea faka Tonga
  • Resource typeText/Book
  • SeriesFaufaua!

About this resource

Series: Learning languages - Faufaua!

Reading year level: Year 7–10

Category: Fiction

Topics: Mālō e lelei / greetings, fakafe‘iloaki / introductions, fāmili / family


Fakataha Faka‘osita‘u

Words by ‘Anahina ‘Aipolo Sikalu

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