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Equal Shmequal

This is an algebra activity based on the picture book Equal Shmequal.

A collection of picture books and playing pieces scattered across the floor.


  • AudienceKaiako
  • Curriculum Level1
  • Education SectorPrimary
  • Learning AreaMathematics and Statistics
  • Resource LanguageEnglish
  • Resource typeActivity
  • SeriesPicture Books with mathematical content

About this resource

These two activities, Tug-of-wars and See-saws, are based on the picture book, Equal Shmequal (words by Virginia Kroll and illustrations by Philomena O’Neill).

Specific learning outcomes:

  • Explain an understanding of fair and equal.
  • Record the results of tug-of-war contests and see-saw balancing in diagrams and symbolic forms.
Ngā rawa kei tēnei rauemi:

    Equal Shmequal

    Achievement objectives

    NA1-4: Communicate and explain counting, grouping, and equal-sharing strategies, using words, numbers, and pictures.

    NA2-6: Communicate and interpret simple additive strategies, using words, diagrams (pictures), and symbols.

    Description of mathematics

    The meaning of “equal” is dependent on the context. Equal number is not always the same as equal weight, or equal effort, or fairness.

    The equals sign is used to represent the equivalent relationship between the two sides of the equation.

    Required materials

    • Equal Shmequal by Virginia Kroll
    • long rope or thick cloth strip for tug of war
    • playground see-saw or balance scale

    Activities: Tug-of-wars and See-saws


    A group of animals explores the idea of “equal” within the context of having to set up a fair game of tug-of-war. Through various means, they discover that equal numbers, equal weight, equal strength, and equal effort can have different impacts on the game. The idea of a balance using a see-saw is used to create two equal groups according to weight. (1 bear and 1 mouse) = (1 wolf, 1 deer, 1 turtle, and 1 rabbit).

    Prior to reading, warm up with some number story recordings that use objects and symbols. Emphasise the position and meaning of the equals sign, and one side is balanced with the other side. Record this in different ways:
    4 = 3 + 1
    “Four equals three plus one.”

    Four blue smiley counters on the left, an equals symbol, on the right, three red smiley counters and one green.


    Share the book with your students, stopping to record the mathematics on a page that has an “equation”.
    For example: 1 bear = 1 mouse

    • Ask: Is that true if they are in a tug-of-war? It’s fair, 1 animal on each side, isn’t it? Should we say “equal” or “not equal” for this one?

    Introduce the symbols for equal (=) and not equal (≠).


    After reading the book, explain to students how you can have some tug-of-war equations. Create some different sides to your equations and record them in the modelling book. For example, students with white socks and students with dark socks, or bare feet versus jandals.

    • Will it be fair? Will they be equal?

    Have a pair of students responsible for the modelling book record the results as = or ≠. Test with a tug of war and record the answers. Try to get a couple of pairings that are very close to create some equal statements.


    On another day, or prior to the tug of war session, explore the same idea of recording equal and not equal relationships using a set of balance bucket scales or a see-saw in a playground.
    For example, 10 green counters = 10 red counters.

    • Ask: Why are they equal?

    3 whiteboard pens ≠ 3 pencils

    • Ask: Why are they not equal? How can we make it balanced? How can we make it equal?

    The quality of the images on this page may vary depending on the device you are using.