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Connected – Series introduction

Connected is a literacy series focused on Aotearoa New Zealand’s histories in social sciences, Tīkanga ā-Iwi, inclusion, and wellbeing.

Connected series 2023 book covers


  • AudienceKaiakoStudents
  • Education SectorPrimary
  • Learning AreaEnglishSocial Science
  • Resource LanguageEnglish
  • Resource typeText/Book
  • SeriesConnected - ANZH

About this resource

This page describes Connected, a Ministry of Education publication to support the teaching of Aotearoa New Zealand’s histories in social sciences. On this page you can find information about the Connected books, as well as the supplementary resources that are available. Alongside Connected, He Kōrero Tātai supports Te Takanga o te Wā within Te Marautanga o Aotearoa. More information on He Kōrero Tātai can be found on the Kauwhata Reo.

Ngā rawa kei tēnei rauemi:


    Connected supports teachers working in primary and intermediate classrooms. It focuses on Aotearoa New Zealand’s histories in social sciences, Tīkanga ā-Iwi, inclusion, and wellbeing within integrated literacy programmes. Connected has three issues for students in years 4–8, aligned to curriculum levels 2, 3, and 4.   

    Alongside Connected, a new publication for Māori-medium kura called He Kōrero Tātai is available on Kauwhata Reo. He Kōrero Tātai also has three issues and supports Te Takanga o Te Wā within Te Marautanga o Aotearoa. Connected is distributed to all English-medium schools and He Kōrero Tātai is distributed to Māori-medium kura. Schools and kura can order additional copies of both series. 

    All Connected and He Kōrero Tātai articles are also available as beautifully designed Google Slides with embedded audio. One article in each book has additional digital content that you can use in your classroom teaching. Each article has teacher and kaiako support materials available online.

    Before 2022, the focus of the Connected series was scientific, technological, and mathematical literacy, and there are 24 texts with this STEM focus that are still available to view and download by searching on the Literacy (inc. Instructional Series) page on Tāhūrangi, along with images and additional media.

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    Down the Back of the Chair

    Re-use permission

    Kaiako and teachers can use He Kōrero Tātai, Connected, and their supporting materials in the classroom, however, please follow the guidance below on re-use of these resources:

    He Kōrero Tātai and Connected content, images and illustrations have been provided by iwi, hapū, whānau, writers and illustrators alongside their kōrero and mātauranga for this specific kaupapa. Therefore, to preserve the mana of the iwi and hapū content, images or illustrations should not be changed, dismantled, or disconnected from either publication for individual use. 

    Secondly, because image rights for He Kōrero Tātai and Connected have been agreed with image owners and kaitiaki, they cannot be used outside of their context as part of He Kōrero Tātai and Connected respectively.  

    The above rights agreement means that these images do not come under Crown copyright or Creative Commons and are not therefore freely available for use. 

    The print and digital publications, Rauemi Tautoko Kaupapa, and Teachers Support Materials can be used in other education contexts, but they should remain intact as whole publications and support products.