Celebrating Puanga at Ramanui
This article describes how one Taranaki school celebrates the appearance of the star Puanga in the eastern sky – the signal for the start of the Māori New Year.
About this resource
Series: School Journal Level 2 November 2017
Reading year level: 4
Category: Non-fiction
Topics: astronomer, astronomy, celebrations, constellations, Māori New Year, Matariki, night sky, Orion’s Belt, Pleiades, Puanga, Puanga Kai Rau, Ramanui School, Rigel, school, stars, Taranaki, Tautoru, telescopes, time capsule
Ngā rawa kei tēnei rauemi:
Celebrating Puanga at Ramanui
Words by Maakere Edwards and Kiwa Hammond
In other parts of Aotearoa, people watch for Matariki, but that constellation is hard to see in the Taranaki region.
Tauwhaituhi ā-oro