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Assessment for learning

This resource contains information, links and support to assist teachers with effective assessment for learning in health and physical education.

Two students cooking fritters together.


  • AudienceKaiako
  • Curriculum LevelAll
  • Resource LanguageEnglish

About this resource

Assessment for learning is about developing teachers’ and learners’ ability to design and use assessment for its core purpose—to support further learning.

This section of the professional learning teaching approaches outlines assessment for learning. It has information and links to assist teachers with effective teaching and assessment of health and physical education.

Ngā rawa kei tēnei rauemi:

    Assessment for learning

    Assessment for learning is about developing teachers’ and learners’ ability to design and use assessment for its core purpose—to support further learning. This involves gathering, analysing, interpreting, and using information in focused and timely ways that provide evidence of learner progress.

    "New Zealand schools design assessment in their classrooms so that teaching and learning is meaningful and meets the needs of their students." - Assessment Online, TKI 

    Ākonga and their whānau take an active part in conversations

    The practice of assessment for learning works best when ākonga and their whānau take an active part in conversations about each learner’s strengths and their progress, talking about:

    • what is being learned
    • how the learning connects to the learner’s life
    • the next steps in their learning
    • how learners, whānau, and teachers can together construct meaningful learning pathways and support their use.

    The assessment information is used to celebrate learners’ progress and their strengths, to plan their next learning opportunities, to adjust strategies according to their needs, and to identify any needs for additional support sooner rather than later.

    Enhancing the way assessment is used in the classroom promotes learning and wellbeing, raising learners’ levels of progress and achievement, and also informs local curriculum design.

    Explore the following resources as you plan assessments for learning.

    Ministry of Education

    National Qualifications Authority (NZQA) resources

    The National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement (NNSSA)

    Education Review Office (ERO)