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Sorting seasons

This is a level 2 measurement strand activity from the Figure It Out series. It is focused on matching activities to seasons. A PDF of the student activity is included.

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  • AudienceKaiako
  • Learning AreaMathematics and Statistics
  • Resource LanguageEnglish
  • Resource typeActivity
  • SeriesFigure It Out

About this resource

Figure It Out is a series of 80 books published between 1999 and 2009 to support teaching and learning in New Zealand classrooms.

This resource provides the teachers’ notes and answers for one activity from the Figure It Out series. A printable PDF of the student activity can be downloaded from the materials that come with this resource.

Specific learning outcomes:

  • Match activities to seasons.
Ngā rawa kei tēnei rauemi:

    Sorting seasons

    Achievement objectives

    GM2-1: Create and use appropriate units and devices to measure length, area, volume and capacity, weight (mass), turn (angle), temperature, and time.

    Required materials

    • Figure It Out, Levels 23, Measurement, "Sorting seasons", page 23
    • calendar (optional)

    See Materials that come with this resource to download:

    • Sorting seasons activity (.pdf)



    Students need to have some knowledge of when the farming activities that are shown actually take place. Students may be able to work out from the pictures that making hay and picking fruit are activities that occur in hot weather and feeding out hay is most likely to take place in winter when the grass grows slowly.

    Encourage the students to place the activities they know about first and work out the rest by elimination.

    For example:

    December/ January/ February

    March/ April/ May

    June/ July/ August

    September/ October/ November





    Making hay
    Picking fruit

    Cleaning spouting

    Fixing fences


    Shearing is most likely to occur in summer or spring when the weather is warmer, while planting trees and fixing fences might occur in cooler times of the year.

    Get students to call on their own experiences to list jobs that might be done around their house during the year. Such experiences could include painting, cleaning out the swimming pool, raking leaves, stacking firewood, making fences, wallpapering, cleaning windows, and watering the garden. They will then need to consider what the weather is usually like when these tasks are done and find the appropriate season to put them in.

    Activity 1

    Answers will vary, for example:

    December/ January/ February

    March/ April/ May

    June/ July/ August

    September/ October/ November





    Making hay
    Picking fruit


    Cleaning spouting

    Fixing fences

    Planting tress

    Feeding out hay


    Students should be able to justify why they have placed particular activities in the seasons.

    They may need to use reference material.

    Activity 2

    Answers will vary.

    The quality of the images on this page may vary depending on the device you are using.