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Thirsty work

These are level 4 number, algebra and statistics problems from the Figure It Out series. They are focused on using ratios to solve problems, using diagrams to find and continue a sequential pattern, and using a tree diagram to find outcomes. A PDF of the student activity is included.

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  • AudienceKaiako
  • Learning AreaMathematics and Statistics
  • Resource LanguageEnglish
  • Resource typeActivity
  • SeriesFigure It Out

About this resource

Figure It Out is a series of 80 books published between 1999 and 2009 to support teaching and learning in New Zealand classrooms.

This resource provides the teachers' notes and answers for one activity from the Figure It Out series. A printable PDF of the student activity can be downloaded from the materials that come with this resource.

Specific learning outcomes:

  • Use ratios to solve problems (Problem 1).
  • Use diagrams to find and continue a sequential pattern (Problems 2 and 3).
  • Use a tree diagram to find outcomes (Problem 4).
Ngā rawa kei tēnei rauemi:

    Thirsty work

    Achievement objectives

    NA4-4: Apply simple linear proportions, including ordering fractions.

    NA4-9: Use graphs, tables, and rules to describe linear relationships found in number and spatial patterns.

    S4-3: Investigate situations that involve elements of chance by comparing experimental distributions with expectations from models of the possible outcomes, acknowledging variation and independence.

    Required materials

    • Figure It Out, Level 3, Problem Solving, "Thirsty work", page 12

    See Materials that come with this resource to download:

    • Thirsty work activity (.pdf)



    Problem 1

    If the bottle is worth 20 cents, the cost of a full bottle is six times that: 6 x 20c =  $1.20. This means that the soft drink is worth $1 ($1.20 – 0.20). Another way to think of the problem is to use fractions.

    A fraction table consisting of 6 tiles. 1 tile shows the cost of a bottle is 20 cents, the remaining 5 tiles are empty. Beneath the table, two arrows go outwards from the centre showing the full cost.

    One-sixth of the cost of the full bottle is 20 cents, so the remaining five-sixths must cost 5 x 20c = $1.

    Students may enjoy similar ratio problems, such as: “There are half as many ducks as geese in the farmyard. Altogether there are 27 birds. How many geese are there?”

    Problem 2

    Students need to find which arrangement of the notices minimises the number of pins needed. Using sheets of paper with counters to represent the pins will help model the problem. Adding each new sheet by using the least number of pins leads to the best solution:

    4 varied sets of paper sheets with counters to represent the pins.

    Continuing in this way, students will see that a rectangular arrangement will use the least number of pins.

    A rectangular set of 16 notices held by 25 pins, accompanied by a note explaining a rectangle may not be created if there are varied sizes and shapes of notices.

    This problem can be extended to find the least number of pins for other arrangements of 16 newsletters, such as in groups of four or one central newsletter surrounded by groups of three.

    Problem 3

    Applying algebraic reasoning will help to simplify the problem. In particular, making a table allows the student to use number patterns.

    Number of Ts










    With each T that is added, the perimeter increases by 4 centimetres.

    A T figure showing the perimeter increasing by four centimetres.

    The diagram above shows the position of the 4 centimetres added each time.

    Students can extend the table to find the perimeter values by adding four each time.

    A number line showing a table can be extended by adding four each time.

    More advanced students will realise that they can multiply by four.

    For example,

    An equation 10 + (9x4) = 46, that shows they can be multiplied by four to find the perimeter values.

    Problem 4

    Students will need to apply the clues logically and use a systematic recording strategy. Making name tags for the players can be useful when trying out possibilities.

    Here is one way of working through the problem:

    A systematic recording strategy that shows two players- Connie and Aroha's two possible placements for other players.

    Aroha did not play Connie. This leaves two possible placements for the other players.

    Possibility 1

    A systematic recording strategy that shows Beth beat Delsey if they both won their first round games.

    The second clue is that Beth beat Delsey.

    This is only possible if they both won their first round games and met in the final.

    Possibility 2

    A systematic recording strategy that shows Beth can beat Delsey if they meet in the final.

    Similarly, the only way that Beth can beat Delsey is if they meet in the final.




    25 pins (in a 4 x 4 arrangement)


    46 cm



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