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Simple discounts

The purpose of this activity is to support students to calculate prices after a simple percentage discount is applied.

Three yellow balloons with a percentage symbol on each.


  • AudienceKaiako
  • Curriculum Level4
  • Education SectorPrimary
  • Learning AreaMathematics and Statistics
  • Resource LanguageEnglish
  • Resource typeActivity
  • SeriesAccelerating learning

About this resource

New Zealand Curriculum: Level 4

Learning Progression Frameworks: Additive thinking, Signpost 8 to Signpost 9

These activities are intended for students who understand simple fractions, know most basic multiplication and division facts, and who apply multiplicative thinking to whole numbers. By the end of level 3 of The 2007 New Zealand Curriculum and step 6 of the Learning Progression Framework, students are expected to apply multiplication and division to different contexts across all strands of the mathematics and statistics learning area.


Simple discounts

Achievement objectives

NA4-3: Find fractions, decimals, and percentages of amounts expressed as whole numbers, simple fractions, and decimals.

Required materials

  • connecting cubes
  • paper and pens
  • calculators


Use cube stack models to revise common fractions as percentages.

  • What percentage of each stack is yellow?
  • What percentage is blue?
Five cube stack models showing different percentages split between blue and yellow cubes.


Pose this problem:

  • You go to a shop and buy an item that usually costs $40. They have a 20% off sale.
  • How much do you pay for the item?

You might adapt this problem to include a more specific context that is more relevant to your students' interests, cultural backgrounds, and learning from other curriculum areas.

Draw a double number line to represent the problem:

A double number line that shows $40 equals 100%.
  • What percentage is taken off? (20%)
  • What percentage of the price do you pay? (80% since 100 – 20 = 80%)
  • How much is 10% of $40? (10% = 1/10 so 10% of 40 = $4)
  • How much is 20% of $40? (20% = 1/5 or 2/10 so $8 is taken off)
  • What is 80% of $40? (8 x $4 = $32, or 4 x $8 = $32)

Develop the double number line as each question is answered.

A double number line that shows $4 equals 10%, $8 equals 20%, $32 equals 80%, and $40 equals 100%.


Pose similar problems and support students to create double number line models to find the answers. Organise students in groupings that will encourage peer scaffolding and extension, as well as productive learning conversations. Examples might be:


  • You go to a shop and buy an item that usually costs $70. They have a 50% off sale.
  • How much do you pay for the item?

Students might use 10% of 70 = $7 and multiply that answer by five to get $35, or recognise that 50% = 1/2, so find 1/2 x 70 = $35.

A double number line that shows $7 equals 10%, $35 equals 50%, and $70 equals 100%.


  • You go to a shop and buy an item that usually costs $88. They have a 25% off sale.
  • How much do you pay for the item?

Students might recognise that 25% = 1/4, find 1/4 x 88 = $22, and subtract that amount from 88 to get $66. They might find 1/4 x 88 = 22, then multiply that amount by three to get 3 x 22 = $66.

Alternatively, they might use 10% of 88 = $8.80, so 5% of 88 = $4.40. They might then subtract, 88 – 8.80 – 8.80 – 4.40 = $66.

A double number line that shows $22 equals 25%, $44 equals 50%, $66 equals 75%, and $88 equals 100%.


  • You go to a shop and buy an item that usually costs $55. They have a 30% off sale.
  • How much do you pay for the item?

Students might recognise that 30% equals three times 10%; find 1/10 x 55 = $5.50, 3 x 5.50 = $16.50, and subtract that amount from 55 to get $38.50.

Alternatively, they might use 10% of 55 = $5.50, so 70% of 55 = 7 x 5.50 = $38.50.

A double number line that shows $5.5 equals 10%, $16.5 equals 30%, $38.5 equals 70%, and $55 equals 100%.


  • You go to a shop and buy an item that usually costs $90. They have a 45% off sale.
  • How much do you pay for the item?

Students might recognise that 45% equals 40% and 5%. They might find 1/10 x 90 = $9, 4 x 9 = $36.00. 5% equals half of 10%, which is $4.50. Then they find that 45% equals 36 + 4.50 = $40.50 and subtract that amount from 90 to get $49.50.

Alternatively, they might use 10% of 90 = $9, so 5% of 90 = $4.50. 11 x 5% = 55%, which equals 11 x 4.5 = $49.50.

A double number line that shows $4.5 equals 5%, $9 equals 10%, $36 equals 40%, 40.5 equals 45%, 49.5 equals 55% and $90 equals 100%.


Introduce using a unit rate on the calculator as another useful strategy.

  • For example, to take 25% off $200, we must recognise that the remaining percentage is 75% (100 – 25), before calculating 200 ÷ 100 = $2 to work out that 1% equals $2.00. We multiply 75 x 2 = $150 to get the price that is paid.


Explore more difficult examples of discounts with percentages that are equivalent to thirds and eighths.

  • For example, to take off 33% from $60, we must recognise that 33% is very close to one third before calculating 1/3 x 60 = $20.00 to work out the amount to be taken off. We subtract 60 – 20 = $40 to get the price that is paid.

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