‘O le Meaalofa mo Aunty Lise
This dual language flip book, set in a New Zealand city, is about Lā who has a wonderful idea for Aunty Lise's birthday present. Aunty Lise has lots of shell necklaces from Samoa but not one made from New Zealand shells. Lā's mother helps her to collect the shells and make the necklace.
About this resource
Series: Pacific dual language books
Ready to Read level: Green
Publication date: 2002
Ngā rawa kei tēnei rauemi:
‘O le Meaalofa mo Aunty Lise | A Present for Aunty Lise
Words by Vaitoa Baker
Illustrations by Denise Durkin
Tauwhaituhi ā-oro
Tauwhaituhi ā-oro
- A Present for Aunty Lise | ‘O le Meaalofa mo Aunty Lise (.pdf)
- ‘O le Meaalofa mo Aunty Lise (.mp3)
- A Present for Aunty Lise (.mp3)