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Ngā taimana e rua - Two of diamonds

This activity resource, from "Whai - String games", is part of the resource collection Te Ao Kori.

Akonga engaged in a class activity using coloured beads.jpg


  • AudienceKaiako
  • Curriculum Level7-8
  • Education SectorPrimary
  • Resource LanguageEnglish

About this resource

This activity resource has instructions that help kaiako support ākonga in using whai to create ngā taimana e rua (the two of diamonds).

Kaiako can adapt and develop activities from the "Whai - String games" collection (years 1–8), which are part of the resource collection, Te Ao Kori, in order to meet the identified learning needs of ākonga. 


Ngā taimana e rua - Two of diamonds

Explore the resource collection, Te Ao Kori

This activity resource from "Whai - String games", is part of the resource collection Te Ao Kori.

Whai | String games collection
Background information
Te Ao Kori collection
Tātaiako cultural competencies for teachers of Māori learners

A girl holding her hands up.jpeg

Intended outcomes 

Ākonga can: 

  • explore line, shape, and form using manipulation techniques with whai 
  • express ideas about their own and others' whai figures 
  • describe the ideas conveyed by particular whai figures  
  • talk about the situations in which whai were played in various societies and times and the purpose they served. 

Suggested approach 

Use a two metre length of cord knotted into a single loop (some games need shorter cords and some need longer ones). Harakeke string is customary; however, nylon, braid, or wool can be used. 

Demonstrate to ākonga how to make the pattern described below and have them try it: 

  1. Hold the string out from the body at stomach height, hooked over the thumb and little finger on both hands. Hold the hands up and number the fingers from the thumb away from the body, that is, one (closest to the thumb), two, three, and four (the little finger). 
  2. With finger one on the right hand, go across to the left hand and tuck it under the left-hand string between the thumb and forefinger, and drag the string back to a taut position again. 
  3. Take finger one on the left hand across to the right hand and do as for the right hand above. Drop the strings from around the thumbs and pull the string taut. 
  4. Take the thumbs and pass them over the first three strings to drag back string four (the one furthest away) so that that string crosses over the other three. 
  5. With the left thumb and left finger one, reach across and take the string that is hooked around finger one of the right hand (string two) and carefully stretch it to hook over the right thumb as well. This step is called making triangles. 
  6. Now do the same with the opposite hand. Now your string pattern thumbs are locked to make triangles. 
  7. Use the teeth to pull string one over the thumbs. Strings one and two are now occupying the same space. 
  8. To get the triangles, turn the palms up so that both forefingers almost touch. You can see a triangle near the base of each thumb. 
  9. Bend down the fingers of one of both hands and move them through the triangles to hold gently onto the base of the thumbs. 
  10. Use the teeth to pull the loops of string off both forefingers. Point both thumbs down and stretch both fingers one away from the thumb, and two diamonds will take shape. 

Ākonga describe the ways they have made shapes. Discuss the use of string games from early times until the present and the many different cultures in which they are used. Consider why this practice has arisen and what purposes it could serve.