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Thank Goodness for Bees

“Thank Goodness for Bees” explains how honey bees differ from similar insects. It describes how honey bees have adapted to be able to collect nectar and pollen from flowering plants and how they turn the nectar into honey. It also explains how bees produce wax to construct honeycomb to store their honey.

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  • AudienceKaiakoStudents
  • Curriculum Level2
  • Education SectorPrimary
  • Learning AreaEnglishMathematics and StatisticsScience
  • Resource LanguageEnglish
  • Resource typeText/Book
  • SeriesConnected - STEM

About this resource

Series: Connected 2012 Level 2 - The Buzz of Bees

Category: Non-fiction

Strand: Number and Algebra, Nature of science


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