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Tānga mahi whai - Mahi whai relay

This activity resource, from "Whai - String games", is part of the resource collection Te Ao Kori.

Girl with hands in the air

About this resource

This activity resource has instructions that help kaiako support ākonga in a tānga mahi whai (relay race), using whai to create ngā heketau te tauira (parachute patterns).

Kaiako can adapt and develop activities from the "Whai - String games" collection (years 1–8), which is part of the resource collection, Te Ao Korito meet the identified learning needs of ākonga.


Tānga mahi whai - Mahi whai relay

Explore the resource collection, Te Ao Kori

This activity resource from "Whai - String games", is part of the resource collection Te Ao Kori.

Whai - String games collection
Background information
Te Ao Kori collection
Tātaiako cultural competencies for teachers of Māori learners

Girl with hands in the air

Intended outcomes 

Ākonga can:

  • identify pressures that can influence interactions with others and demonstrate assertiveness strategies to manage these when working in a group in te ao kori contexts.  

Suggested approach

Use a two metre length of cord, knotted into a single loop (some games need shorter cords and some need longer ones). Harakeke string is customary, however nylon, braid, and wool can be used.

Ākonga practice ngā heketau te tauira level 1, parachute pattern level 1 (from the activity Ngā heketau te tauira).

In groups of four to six, ākonga take part in a mahi whai relay. Each group chooses one person in their group to be the observer.

Round 1: Each member of the group must run out to a marker, pick up a string, and successfully complete parachute pattern 1.

Round 2: Once each member of the group has performed the activity, the group can select its fastest two members to compete in a relay against the other groups. Points will be allocated to determine the best group out of three relays.

Observers watch and note down the types of positive and negative behaviours that take place during the mahi whai relay challenge. At the completion of the activity, the observers report back what they noted, and as a class, ākonga discuss how they felt when they were pressured and when they were encouraged.

Ākonga return to their groups and discuss and identify as many strategies as possible that they think would be appropriate to use when they feel other ākonga are pressuring them or treating them unfairly.

Introduce the terms 'passive', 'aggressive', and 'assertive' behaviour and explain what each of these terms mean.

Ākonga choose which of these categories best describe their strategies to gain an understanding of what assertive behaviour is and what it looks like in action.

Reassign groups and repeat the mahi whai relay using assertive behaviours and actions that ākonga have identified, and discuss the positive impact of this.