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Identity and self-worth - Applying for a school or class job

Applying for a school or class job helps ākonga to recognise their strengths, and how they can use those strengths to support and awhi one another.

Three students working on laptops.


  • AudienceKaiako
  • Learning AreaHealth and PE
  • Resource LanguageEnglish

About this resource

This planning and teaching resource activity (years 5–8) is part of mental health education, one of the key areas of learning in health and physical education. Teachers can adapt and develop it to meet the identified learning needs of ākonga. 


Identity and self-worth: Applying for a school or class job

Applying for a school or class job supports identity and feelings of self-worth for ākonga by helping them to recognise their strengths and how they can use those strengths to support and awhi one another. 

Three students working on laptops.

Understanding ourselves and getting on together — Activity collection 

This resource is part of the Understanding Ourselves and Getting on Together collection. 

Read background information

View collection

Possible learning activities 

Discuss with ākonga a variety of classroom and school roles or jobs. These might include peer mediator, karakia/waiata/mihimihi leader, sports coach, digital coach, lunchtime club leader, and tuakana and teina roles.  

  • Create job descriptions for school/class jobs that will help and support other ākonga. Include the skills required and the personal attributes and experiences that might be helpful to fulfil the role. 
  • Ākonga identify  the values, attitudes, and attributes that are important for the various jobs. 
  • Ākonga complete an application for their choice of job. 
  • Ākonga can then choose a referee from the class, who supports the job applicant by writing three job-related strengths and personal qualities that they consider the applicant to have.  
  • They could also find a referee outside of the class, a kaiako or a whānau member, who can endorse their strengths and qualities. 

Cultural and diversity considerations 

All ākonga are part of wider whānau, hapū, iwi, and other community groups. Culturally capable kaiako and tumuaki know, value, and integrate the cultural capital of their ākonga into the work of creating positive classroom communities. Classroom programmes dealing with mental health should be sensitively developed so that they respect and reflect the diverse values and beliefs of ākonga and the whole school community. 

Kaiako need to be aware of ākonga who are unable to fulfil certain roles because of differences such as disability. Take care to acknowledge ākonga in this situation and work with them to find a role that they can apply for, and ways that they can contribute.  

Discuss the use of language that emphasises personal strengths. This is a good opportunity to discuss the ways that in tuakana and teina roles ako is reciprocal and we learn from each other. The tuakana learns patience and how to share their understanding, and the teina learns new knowledge and skills. Introduce encouraging te reo Māori phrases like kia kaha!, ka mau te wehi! and kei runga noa!

Links to the HPE underlying concepts 

Attitudes and values 

Developing a positive and responsible attitude towards their own wellbeing and a willingness to reflect on beliefs, values, and attitudes. 


Taha whānau, taha wairua; strengthening the feeling of identity and promoting positive interactions. 

Read more about the underlying concepts

Kaiako notes 

When constructing the job descriptions, it may be necessary to explain to the class that it is alright to acknowledge both their own strengths and those of other people. 

Focus inquiry questions around the learning outcomes before and after the activities to support ākonga to reflect and think critically about the activities.