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Cooperative learning

Successful group experiences can contribute to knowledge, self-esteem, and empowerment.

Children playing with rugby ball.


  • AudienceKaiako
  • Learning AreaHealth and PE
  • Resource LanguageEnglish

About this resource

This planning and teaching resource unit (years 9–10) is part of sports studies, one of the key areas of learning in health and physical education. It contains ideas to plan for teaching, learning, and assessment, with related resources and activities, to meet the identified learning needs of ākonga. 


Cooperative learning

The cooperative learning approach assumes that developing your self-knowledge and self-respect are prerequisites for functioning effectively in group situations. Teaching and learning in health and physical education often occurs in small groups and team situations.  

Successful group experiences can contribute to knowledge, self-esteem, and empowerment as ākonga accomplish group goals. 

A cooperative learning programme includes the following components: 

  • Positive interdependence: Working in groups with assigned roles to achieve common goals. 
  • Individual accountability: Being equally responsible for the group's success and therefore being held accountable. 
  • Group processing: Reflecting on how their group functioned in working towards the goals. 
  • Social skills: Including ways in which ākonga can identify their use and purpose. 

Cooperative learning involves the deliberate transformation of individuals into committed and productive team members. During this process, ākonga are likely to progress through a series of stages: 

  • Forming: Coming together and getting acquainted.
  • Storming: Finding areas of disagreement and conflict.
  • Norming: Defining areas of agreement and cooperation.
  • Performing: Working collegially toward group goals.

Cooperative learning provides students with opportunities to: 

  • be committed to a group 
  • learn and apply interpersonal skills 
  • take responsibility for both their learning and that of others. 

Movewell cooperative games

Find out more about cooperative games.