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Providing more PLD for structured approaches to teaching

8 May, 2024

An important step towards our goal to strengthen learners’ foundational skills is making sure that you have what you need to deliver the best possible outcomes for your students. One part of that is providing you access to more evidence-based PLD and teacher supports consistent with the science of learning. Going forward, our focus will be on providing you with resources and supports that use structured approaches to teaching and learning, so that you have confidence in the effectiveness of the programmes available to you.

You can access a range of these resources and supports already, and you’ll find more become available next year as we continue to develop additional supports that align with structured approaches to teaching. You can read more about what’s available now here:

New funding to support structured teaching approaches and how to apply – Professional Learning & Development (

You might have also seen that the Minister of Education recently announced additional funding for resources and supports that embody structured approaches to learning. That allows us to provide you with more high-quality professional learning opportunities to build you confidence and capability in evidence-based teaching practices. You can read more about that additional funding here:


What this means for Reading Recovery & Early Literacy Support

To give you confidence that the supports available to you are consistent with evidence-based structured approaches, we are not going to provide additional funding for alternative approaches to literacy learning. That means that, from January next year, you will no longer be able to access Reading Recovery & Early Literacy Support (RR&ELS) intervention. Instead, our focus will be on delivering targeted supports using structured approaches.

If you have any questions about this process, you can get in touch with the team at [email protected]