Pepe Togitogi
Alisa loves finger-painting. Orange is her favourite colour but there was no orange paint in the paint tray. This dual language flip book tells the story of how Alisa made different colours by mixing the paint as she added spots on the butterfly's wings.
About this resource
Series: Pacific dual language books
Ready to Read level: Blue
Publication date: 2005
Ngā rawa kei tēnei rauemi:
Pepe Togitogi | Spotted Butterflies
Words by Carmen Scanlan-Toti
Translated by Hale Siaosi
Illustrations by Jennifer Lautusi
Tauwhaituhi ā-oro
Tauwhaituhi ā-oro
- Spotted butterflies - pepe togitogi (.pdf)
- Pepe togitogi (.mp3)
- Spotted butterflies (.mp3)