Updated learning area and new wāhanga ako content drafts available for feedback
28 January, 2025
The next learning area and wāhanga ako content drafts for the refreshed National Curriculum (including the New Zealand Curriculum and Te Marautanga o Aotearoa) are now available for your review.
We are now inviting your feedback on the Mathematics and Statistics for Years 9-13 learning area, and Te Reo Rangatira for Years 7-13 and pāngarau for Years 9-13 wāhanga ako.
Consultation on the English learning area for Years 7-13 will begin in February.
The consultation period will be open until 28 April 2025.
For more background on what you can expect from the draft content, you can see the information sheet here:
Consultation on Mathematics and Statistics, Pāngarau and Te Reo Rangatira is now open (Tāhūrangi)
New Zealand Curriculum:
The updated draft learning area for Maths Years 9-13 can be found here:
Draft Maths (9-13) Consultation (Tāhūrangi)
You can place your feedback via the feedback form here:
Draft Mathematics and statistics (Years 9 – 13) feedback form Survey
Te Marautanga o Aotearoa:
The updated draft wāhanga ako for Te Reo Rangatira Years 7-13 and pāngarau Years 9-13 can be found here:
Draft Te Reo Rangatira (7-13) and Pāngarau (9-13) Consultation (Tāhūrangi)
You can place feedback via the feedback forms here:
These learning area and wāhanga ako are not the final versions, they are drafts that will continue to be refined with your feedback.
We have made significant progress so far, thanks to the hard work of many people, and now is the time to seek broader perspectives as we continue to make improvements.
Please have a read and let us know what you think.